Chapter 93 ~ Group Project

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*A/N :



3rd Person's POV ~ 

A couple days later, there was just something that changed between the both of them ever since that night. Whether it was knowing what the other wanted or more relentless teasing or even small, stupid smiles etched on their faces during classes. 

But with love comes jealousy and hatred. He was the same, but she seemed to be more prone and aware of a certain girl who probably showered in perfume instead of bathwater. Her hair was often done more excessively than celebrities, and the whole school thought she dressed up for red carpet shows rather than another day of college. 

Again, the old bat of a professor walked in to the classroom, her mandatory smile to her students showing about as much sincerity as a used tea bag. 

The teacher had a hawkish air about her. Even her nose was curved and beaky. She had eyes of palest blue that fixed you in ice should you dare disagree or talk out of turn. She was willow-wand thin, so stick-like that it was hard to imagine her eating much at all, at least not without wiping her narrow lips after every bite. Her hair wasn't so much blonde as a washed out brown, like it just couldn't be bothered to be any colour at all. Like many women of her age she had it cut short to hide its lack of volume. There was no way in the world this woman had a happy home-life. If she had a husband, he was hen-pecked. Every movement she made betrayed her internal frustrations that bounced inside her like sound in a deep cave. In the classroom, she was a chained monster, bound by rules and statutes. A century ago she would have been brutal with the cane.

"Group projects." She barks. 

"Woof." Jungkook whispers to Lisa who struggles not to smile. 

The professor slams her thick binder on her desk, pulling up the projector to reveal several rows and columns of students names. "Find your groups and introduce yourselves."

"Then what ?" A randoms student asks. 

"Spoke out of turn again." She grumbles. "Take a copy of the instructions and start your assignment." She stalks out of the room, shutting the door behind her. 

It was silent for a moment before a chaos erupted in the classroom. "I'll get the instruction packet." Lisa mutters to Jungkook. He nods and drifts away to the glass board where marker was scrawled across. He comes back with a bittersweet smile, sitting down with her.

"Bad news or good news."

"There's bad news ?" She grimaces. 

"Which one do you want to know first ?"


"You're stuck with Suho and Tzuyu."

"Good news ?" She asks, loosing hope every second. 

"We're stuck with them together." He smiles subtly. 

"The four of us ?" She laughs. "I can't name a worse group." 

"I wish we could do this in partners." He nods, nudging her elbow. 

"What's the project anyway ?" She mumbles, "Oh, come on !" She scoffs, dropping the packet of pages filled with meaningless words on the desk below. 

"What ?" He cracks a grin of confusion. 

"It's a bonding project. We're supposed to get to know each other." She groans. He pats her back soothingly, trying not to laugh. 

"It could be worse." He tries to sound optimistic. 

"How ?"

"I don't know, having to do an actual project with them ?" He guesses as two cocky figures march up to them and sit on opposite ends, Jungkook and her sandwiched between Suho and Tzuyu. 

"Pathetic." She mutters, watching Tzuyu's gaze fixate on Jungkook's muscles. 

"What is ?" He smiles. 

"Nothing." She murmurs. 

Usually, she'd have joked around and shoved Jungkook near the makeup caked girl, but she felt rather possessive lately, angry at the mere sight of her. Lisa leans forward, casually slinging her arm around Jungkook's shoulder and subtly tugging him away from the girl. "It says we're supposed to go somewhere with our group." She says, pointing at the words on the second half of the third page. 

He slumps in his seat, nearly sliding off. "I don't want to." 

She laughs by accident, not expecting such a response from him. "We have to." She smiles, forcefully pulling her up from her seat. "You don't have a choice." 

"Yeah I do." He mutters, all four of them getting off their seats. "It's whether I want to pass or fail this class." 

"You know what I mean." She scoffs, taking her bag and the packet of instructions while following the crowd of students merrily talking with their group on which store they should go to or whether they should just wander the downtown area. 

"Can't we just say we met up ?" He asks, desperate to not go somewhere with Suho. He was confident he might end up punching the boy again. 

"Nope." Tzuyu smiles. "I have a place in mind."

"The nail salon ?" Lisa guesses sourly. 

"No." She chirps. "A café."

She grabs Jungkook's arm. "It'll be like a double date." 

He snatches his arm out of her grasp. "With who ?"

"Me and you, Suho and Lisa." 

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