Chapter 55 ~ The Bus Ride

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3rd Persons' POV ~ (Next morning before the bus arrives)  

"All packed ?" Jungkook yawns,

"Wouldn't be down here if I wasn't." She winks sleepily, slightly swaying. 

He steals a glance around them, noticing they were the earliest and the only ones at the bus stop. A small smirk plays across his face. 

"Where's Jisoo ?" He asks, mischievous glint in his eyes. She looks confused, glancing around at their surroundings. 

"She said she'll come down in a couple minutes. Wh-"

His hand had outstretched to the back of her head, her hair between his calloused palm and her nape. He tugs her closer, his face slightly tilted to fit right into hers, his lips softly touching hers. 

She gasps in surprise, a short intake of breath managing to zip through her lips before he captured them. Her hands crumpled in the shoulders of his shirt, the bits of his grey sweatshirt peeking through her pale slender fingers. His much larger frame blocks her entire body from view, only revealing the bottom hem of her white blouse. 

His ears perk up when he hears dulled chatter from further up the staircase he was currently in front of, and he lingers a little before pulling away just in time. His face remains close, his fingers grazing across her cheekbone. 

"What-- the fuck ?" Jisoo asks, astonished. 

"Relax. Just an eyelash." He says, pulling away completely this time and blowing away an imaginary lash before cracking his neck. 

"Uh-huh. What's that about, then ?" She asks, pointing at Lisa's hands which were still crumpled in his shirt. 

"Oh, I-uhm--Balance." She coughs finally, letting go of him and walking near Jisoo instead. 

"You're insane." She whispers as she walks by him, letting her pinky catch on to his thumb and blaming it on being careless. 

The coaches start to arrive, Mr.Park looking as boisterous as ever though his mouth hadn't opened to yell yet. Then again, he was probably trying to save his image as a much more slender coach approaches from the opposite entry, clutching a clipboard. Slowly, tired students start to file in, duffel bags and backpacks crowding the bus station. 

"Listen up." Ms.Kim says softly. The bus turns around the corner of the previous street, pulling up to the crowded area. "Perfect timing. You will get on the bus, and sit in your assigned seats." She says, ignoring the groaning. "It's going to be a long ride-"

"So then wouldn't it be more comfortable to choose partners ?"

"I'm not dumb enough to trust you guys." She says. "As I said, you will get on the bus, sit in your seat, and you will wait for your name for roll call. Is that clear ?"

Mumbles of 'yes, lady' and 'yeah' mingle around the students, though a strong 'yes' resounds when Mr.Park reiterates her question intimidatingly. 

"Off you go, then." She smiles. "Put your luggage in the overhead compartments." 

Lisa nods mindlessly and walks in with Jisoo, Jungkook following not far after her. "Please be someone I know, please be someone I know..." She mumbles under her breath. 

Lisa's large chocolate brown irises shift to the small laminated tag on the front seat that had her name on it, right next to Ms.Kim's identical tag. "Ugh..." She groans, noticing Jungkook and Jisoo were far in the back of the bus though not sitting next to each other. 

"Who're you sitting with ?" She asks him. 

"For fuck's sake... Mr.Park." He groans. 

"Looks like we've both got rotten luck." She groans, nodding at the tag on her seat. She lifts her bag up, pushing it in the velvet lined booth designed for luggage and shutting the door of the compartment. Ms.Kim walks in, excusing herself and walking gingerly through the space between Lisa's leg and the divider, heading to the window seat. 

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