Chapter 88 ~ Sweet Chatter

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3rd Person's POV ~ 

"I trust you," She gulps. "Just don't be too grossed out." 

He freezes, still utterly shocked in his seat. She seemed to predict his reaction, smiling, though not that he could see it,  before saying, "I really do trust you. Go ahead."

His fingers inch forward while he stands up and places a gentle kiss atop her head before sweeping her hair onto her shoulders and pushing apart the blue sterilized cloth. He only unbuttoned the first three notches in case she was uncomfortable, looking at the giant silver hash across her back followed with several other decent sized cuts. "It looks like it hurts." He says, buttoning it back up.

"That's the first thing that comes to mind ?" She grins, turning back to him and pulling the thin blanket over herself.

"Hm ?" His brows furrow in confusion.

"Not that it looks hideous ?" She presses further. 

"It doesn't look hideous." He grins. "Battle scars, dude !" He puts his hand in the air, and when she smiles goofily and meets it, he lets his fingers intertwine with hers. "Why hate them ?" 

"Huh ?"

"You know how many guys just accidentally smash their faces into a doorknob and tell everybody they got in a fight ?" He asks, much to her amusement. "Damn, you're macho-er than me." 

"You think ?" She smiles, insecurities slowly starting to fade away. Somehow, that was always the effect they had on each other. No matter what insults they threw, it always seemed like there was a hidden compliment behind it.

It was a stupid way to compliment somebody, she'll give him that much, but it made her feel better than any sappy comment. 

She was lying on her side (sleeping on her back hurt too much), and one of her hands was sandwiched between her cheek and the baby blue pillow. 

"I know." He corrects, leaning down to press a soft kiss on the side of her head. "Do you think more visitors are allowed ?" He grins. "There's 6 people and an annoying nephew outside that have been dying to meet you. Well- 6 people and one irritating boy anyway." He says the last bit sourly. 

"No." She catches his hand. "I don't feel like being smothered." He raises an eyebrow. "Except by your inevitable worrying, of course." She rolls her eyes. 

"Great." He grins. "For a moment I thought you were stupid enough to believe you could escape me." 

"Why would I want to escape you ?" She asks, switching her hand for his between her face and the pillow. He smiles pushing his chair closer to her. "You're too warm." 

He pauses for a moment, brushing through her soft hair while her eyes flutter closed, hiding the beautiful ornate eyes she possessed. Again, he couldn't seem to resist placing a soft kiss on the side of her head. "I meant what I said earlier, you know ?"

Her eyelids twitch open, her big brown eyes staring into his. When somebody says they have brown eyes, they obviously haven't met Lisa. Her eyes were the definition of brown. They danced in the light, glittered in the darkness, and reminded him of a big cuddly bear. Even when she was irritated, all he saw was the aura of a sad duckling rather than the big deadly brown bear her eyes made her out to be. 

"Hm ?" She asks, pulling his other arm over her waist. 

"I really think you're beautiful." 

She blushed, and she had a feeling that he set himself a new record for that game of his (It was called 'How fast can I make a cute girl blush'). 

"But if I really had liked you because of the way you look, that wouldn't be much of a relationship, would it ?" He grins. She shakes her head with a gulp, drowning in his fresh pine tree scent while she felt guilty for him having to endure the heavy stench of sterilization. 

"It wouldn't." She manages, brining an amused smile to his face. 

"You think you're skinny, I think you're just right." He adds. "I don't say much--I never say anything about the way you look because you're perfect." He starts to play with her hair again, avoiding her gaze at any cost. "I just want you to know that you're not what I would describe as ordinary." 

"Gee, thanks." 

"No," He laughs before continuing, "I mean your eyes are brown, but they aren't just plain old brown. Your hair is straight and curly at the same time, and your personality has set a pretty high bar for me." He smiles. "I just don't think I ever really understood the meaning behind 'there's beauty in simplicity' before I met you." 

"Ugh," She cringes, her cheek unintentionally pressing into his hand. "Too cringy." 

"Well then you're just going have to deal with me having the romantic abilities of a peanut."

"No in between ?" She laughs. 

"No in between." He nods. "You choose. Peanut or Casanova ?"

"I don't know." She teases. 

"Tick tock." He drawls. "If you don't choose, I'll choose Casanova for you." 

"No." She groans. "I like it when you insult me." 

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of sick jerk." He laughs. 

"Aren't you, though ?" She smiles. "Honestly, you're on ogre of a boyfriend." 

He laughs at her jibe, teasing further. "You did say Shrek was sexy." 

"You remember that ?" She grins. 

"I remember everything you say." He says, his voice coated in the sugariest tone he could manage to put on without choking. 

"I think I'll go with Peanut." She murmurs, her hand floating to his neck to press a kiss on his unsuspecting lips.

"Between the two of us, you're the Casanova." He smiles into her lips. "I'm no match for your charms." 

"Thanks, Soft Boy." 

"Can I go back to insulting you now ?"

"Please." She laughs, nodding. "I miss it." 

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