Chapter 44

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After I managed to open the heavy and large wooden door of Riley's bedroom, I rushed in and saw her sleeping with her hands resting on her chest. She was wearing a sleeping mask, and the exterior lighting mixed with the moonlight, created a wonderful atmosphere. I sat next to her in the double bed and shook her slightly.

"Riley...." I whispered.

She didn't even move.

"Riley wake up!"I said jumped on the bed.

The dimple I made by my jump, made Riley wake up with a little scream.

"Oh shit, my expensive bed! Seriously Anthi?"Riley croaked as she took off her pink sleep mask.

"Finally!"I said and sat on the bed.

"How could you interrupt me from my luxurious sleep?" she asked me.

"I saw the money under my pillow. Why did you put your money there?"

She sighed and checked the digital clock on her bedside table.

"Those are not my money. They are yours," she said and I tilted my head questioningly.

"What do you mean?"I said and looked at her in astonishment.

"This is the 1/3 of your payment."

"WHAT?"I shouted.

"Half of the money is from your parents and the rest is from me. Take it as a present."

Then I stood up and walked around her bedroom. Under normal circumstances. I would be in Hawaii by now, enjoying my Pina colada. But I can't be jovial. Especially now.

If I was with Peter I would've asked him to leave far away from here. With me. But Peter isn't a normal person.

Or wasn't a normal person.....

"Riley, I can't accept the money."

"Oh come on, we both know how much you love those kinds of presents," Riley said.

"It's not the same now, "I mumbled.

"Okay, let me give you some advice. You should accept presents Anthi. Because it means that there are people out there who love you. Peter didn't even get you anything."

"No, you are wrong. He bought me a dress. An red expensive dress."I said and remembered myself wearing it and staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"That was it? I can get you hundreds of them. He is not richer than me."Riley said and laughed.

"Don't compare Peter with you, "I grumbled.

"Of course I don't, ew gross! And I still can't believe why you fell for a very old man."

"He is....was thirty years old!"I said, offended.

"And you are eighteen! You could be his daughter! I've been saying the same to Sylvie about Derek. But she doesn't want to hear me. You both don't want to listen to the reason!"Riley said with emphasis.

"Look, we were talking about the money. Let's solve that problem first."I said calmly.

"You are right. I put the money there because I wanted you to have a moment of happiness. Please don't ruin it."

I didn't say anything. She was right. I shouldn't be ungrateful. That was my mistake. I was always craving for a good life with more comforts.

Sometimes we look for what we have not acquired and forget what we have in front of our eyes. Or the fact that we can see.

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