Chapter 20

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I woke up from the knock on the door. Anthi was at school. Maybe she knew that I came home late at night. I have to give her explanations about her car.

I opened the door and saw Lydia upset and worried.
"Didn't expect to see you so soon," I said abruptly.

She closed the door and followed me to the living room. Her hair was curly and her red dress suited her well. I sat on the couch and I was waiting for her to start talking.

"I shouldn't be here, If they find out that I visited you, I will be killed, for real," Lydia said
"You can leave if you want if it's so wrong to be here with me, "I said ironically and showed her the door with my glance.
"I know that you are upset," Lydia told me
"Upset? I'm furious Lydia! Why are you all acting like that? Why are you avoiding me?"
"Trust me this is harder than I thought because I'm afraid of your reaction."

"Where are Scott, Issac and.....Derek? Are we sure that they can't hear us?" I asked her.

"Yes, they are looking for Peter, he left some creepy messages for them too and they are trying to find him. That's why I am here now."Lydia said.

"Okay then. There is nothing to be afraid of. Tell me, why am I out of the company and why are you all avoiding me? Did I do something bad?" I asked her with a serious attitude.

"You didn't do anything wrong. This is about......"
"Tell me, Lydia, I'm not the most patient person in the world!" I yelled at her.

"About you and Derek. He told us everything, about your relationship with him, the night that you slept with him, Everything!"Lydia said
I kept looking at her, trying to figure out what she told me.
"And why did he do that?" I asked calmly.
" was part of......his plan...."

Plan? Plan? I don't want to think of that! Suddenly I felt that my blood stopped flowing in my body. I felt dazed, empty, cold.

"What do you mean by the word plan?" I asked her.

"Derek pretended to be in love with you just to make sure that you would keep your mouth shut. He thought that it was dangerous for him that you and Anthi knew about him and Peter. He also had a thought to turn you into a werewolf just to have more werewolves in his pack. That would make him even stronger."

I could sense the numbness in my legs. I felt that time stopped and a pain in my heart. Terrible feelings! Broken feelings! I feel so stupid and betrayed.

"And how did you react?" I asked
"We didn't say anything. Stiles and Scott tried to convince him to leave you alone but we can't disagree with Derek! He can kill us all if he wants!"
I started crying. I felt so deceived. I wish I could wake up from a terrible nightmare.

"Why did you tell me the truth? You could have kept it a secret and laugh with me." I asked Lydia
"Because I know how it feels like to be someone's toy. I wanted to help you!"Lydia said
"Well, I guess it's time for you to leave because I want to be alone right now," I said
"Okay. I will go, but please promise me that you won't tell anyone about that. If Derek finds out he is gonna kill me."
"I said I won't! We have a deal!" I said abruptly and showed her the door with my finger.

Lydia opened the door and left quickly. I couldn't handle it anymore. I burst into tears. How could he do that to me? I feel like an idiot right now! I don't know him and I will never do! I was crying with sobs and I couldn't stop.

I can't live here after that. I can't face him again. I need to leave, to run away from everyone. Anthi can't help me after that. It will be better for her to stay away from me. She is melancholic because of me. I don't want to destroy her life anymore. I can't make someone happy in this world. Everyone is disappointed with me. My parents, my sister, my best friend. And someone is trying to find me and kill me. I should leave town. Immediately!

I went to my bedroom and I started packing my suitcase still sobbing. I took a lot of clothes, my money, my passport and my keys from Aunt Mary's garage.

Feeling determined, I was thinking about visiting my cousin Rylie who lives in Los Angeles. It's almost four hours away from here so I hope that she has another room free for me to stay in for some nights. She is twenty-one years old and has her own boutique.

When I arrived at my aunt's house I opened the garage. The car was black but not very old. I got inside and started driving.

It took me ten minutes to get out of town. I pressed the accelerator and I was driving very fast. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Anthi. I picked it up and put it on speaker. I was nervous and pissed off at the same time.
"Listen Anthi, I don't have time to do that kind of conversation right now! I'm driving."I said
"Why are you driving? Where are you going?"
"WHAT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" she asked me, freaked out
Suddenly I saw from the mirror that a white car was too close to mine. The weird thing was that its signs were Greek!
She was shouting but I couldn't understand her. I was so scared of that car. I tried to drive faster but it followed me.
"ANTHI STOP!!!!" I screamed
Then the white car pushed mine hard and I lost control.
The car turned upside down and the last thing I felt was a lot of glass into my skin.

Then darkness.

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