Chapter 16

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I took my phone out of my bag and saw a message from Ralph. Then I realized that I hadn't met him at school that night because I was with Derek. He must be angry now.
"Are you avoiding me? Because you didn't text me back to tell me that you changed your mind."
"Who texted you?" Derek asked me
"Oh, it was Anthi." I lied and put my phone in my bag.
He kept looking at me. I don't know why but I didn't want to tell him about Ralph. Maybe cause I don't want to see his reaction.

We went back to the others and I saw Scott and Issac arguing.
"What happened?"I asked them surprised.
"Tomorrow it's full moon and Issac doesn't want us to be there and help him," Scott said
"I don't need your help. I can control myself."Issac yelled.
"Issac it's not that easy. Do you know how hard it was for me when I became a werewolf? I was alone! No one helped me!" Scott shouted.
"Dude! I'm not invisible!"Stiles yelled.

"Okay to be honest Stiles helped me a little but it wasn't enough," Scott said.
"You know what? Derek should tell you what to do cause he is the alpha, unfortunately."Stiles said.

"Okay Derek, tell me what should I do to control myself tomorrow, but I will not agree to tie me with shackles!"Issac yelled.

"Fine, Go ahead. Do whatever you want."Derek muttered
"Seriously now?"I asked and raised my eyebrows.
"Derek, what's wrong with you?"Scott asked Derek.
"Nothing is wrong with me, If Issac wants to overcome Full Moon's difficulties all alone, I won't stop him," Derek said calmly.
Then my phone rang. It was Anthi.

"Sorry guys, I should go. Anthi is outside, waiting for me. But Issac you need to know that you are lucky. You don't have to hide what you are from us. You can appreciate our help." I said while I was taking my coat from the couch. I gave a last look at Derek and opened the door. It was raining outside. I closed the door behind me and walked forward with my black boots making a weird sound.

"Hey there!"I said to Anthi while I got into the car.
"Hi...." she said abruptly
"What's wrong?"I asked her.
"Okay, are you dumb?"She asked angrily.
"Why did you say that?"I asked her confused.
"Okay relax! Well, we are in the car and you are about to start driving................."

Oh my god, Maybe it's Derek's fault the fact that I don't have enough brain cells.

"I'm so sorry Anthi. You are right. You bought your car finally!!!!! It looks very good."I said and smiled at her
"Yeah I won't give the chance to Derek to approximate you," she said
"Okay then, "I said and laughed.

"How was he? Did he talk to you?" she asked me
"Not exactly. He just said hi to me" I said and nodded.
"Well, it's better in that way."She said and smiled.
I stayed quiet.

The next day, during the school break I was outside with Anthi and we were talking about her enthusiasm for her new car.

"You should have your car Sylvie. Trust me. Your life will be easier. But you don't have a driving license." Anthi said
"I know that but I know how to drive. You remember how well I was driving one year ago."
"To be honest, you were driving too fast and I was scared," she said and laughed.
"By the way I don't need to buy a new car. Aunt Mary has her old one and she told me that I can use it whenever I want to." I said and put my half-eaten sandwich in my bag.

"Oh, that's nice! But you don't want it to be too old because you are a teenager and teenagers like modern and expensive things so you should check it out......"

While she was still talking to me I lost my focus on her because I saw Derek standing far away, next to some trees and he was looking at me.

I felt weird because I didn't want Anthi to turn around and face him.
"Sylvie? Are you okay?"Anthi asked me.
"Yes, I am!"I said
When I looked at her Derek disappeared.
I almost hugged my books because of my desire to see him again. I miss him.

While I was heading to my classroom for my last lesson, saw Issac passing by me and looking at me wildly. I didn't say anything.

During class, a teacher interrupted us and he was holding a dossier. I didn't pay attention just drew on my notebook hearts and flowers.

"Excuse me guys but does anyone know Issac Lahey?" he asked
Everyone stayed quiet. Unconsciously I raised my hand with an expression of surprise.

"Oh, could you please find him tonight and give him this dossier? He must sign the credentials and give it back to me tomorrow," he said
Oh fuck!
"Yes, sir I will do it," I said and took the dossier.

At home, after lunch, Anthi was skeptical while she was checking her purse.
"What happened?" I asked her
"I have to go to Michels. We argued. But I don't know when I'll be back. Maybe I'll be late." she said to me.
"Don't worry. I have to give to my classmate a folder, so I will leave it too."I said
"Be careful Sylvie!"Anthi said worried
"Okay, I will!"I said

Big lie. How am I going to be safe tonight? What if Issac can't control himself?

It was 8 pm and I realized that I fell asleep on the couch.

I wish I had a duvet. It was so nice on the couch. That warmth and safety are pretty good if you have a cup of hot chocolate on the coffee table. And of course your boyfriend for cuddles and kisses. But I don't think that Derek knows about those moments. But it's okay though. You can have fun everywhere if you are with the right company.

But is Derek the right company?
Am I the right company for Derek?

I stopped my worried thoughts and tried to get ready as fast as I could.
I texted Stiles to send me Issac's address and when he replied I saw that Issac's house wasn't far away from my house.

It started getting dark when I arrived. Unlucky for me, his house door was open.

"Issac, are you in there?" I asked

I entered his house. It was dark and I started being a little worried.
I heard him groaning upstairs.
"Come.....I want to see you...."I heard him groaning.
As I was approaching him upstairs I was afraid. What is going to happen now?
"I'm here Issac...."I said
He was sitting on the floor. His hands were covering his face. Trembling.

"Your teacher wanted to give you this," I said and left the dossier on his desk.
"You should give it to him......"I continued talking.
"You shouldn't be here Sylvie! Do you know how dangerous I could be right now?" he interrupted me
"I know but I also know that you can control yourself," I said
"Well you don't know me well," he said.
The yellow lights from the road outside lit the room. But it was still pretty dark.

Suddenly his eyes turned from blue to yellow and his face started changing.
"Don't do it, Issac! I'm not your enemy!" I said frightened and took some steps back.
"Run Sylvie!" he said
"I don't think that is a good idea...."I told him.
"I SAID RUN!!!!!" he yelled

Then I started running as fast as I could. I went out of his house and continued running to the woods. I know it's stupid but at least I thought that maybe Derek would be there and save me.
I could see only trees. I didn't want to turn around because I didn't want to face Issac chasing me. After a while, I gave up and stopped. I was panting. Then I realized that I was alone.
"Thank god!" I said

Suddenly I felt two hands grabbing me and pushing me to the ground abruptly.
I was groaning. I couldn't even scream.
"You weren't fast enough!" Issac said and his face was full of hairs and lines like wrinkles. His eyes were still yellow.
He came above me and then I kicked him in his knee. That made him more angry and then he grabbed my left leg and he squirmed it.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh stop!"I screamed
Then he opened his mouth and he came closer to me to bite me with his fangs.
"NO" I screamed

"THATS ENOUGH!!!" I heard Derek yelling and then he grabbed Issac from his shoulders and threw him on a tree.
Then Issac stood up and tried to attack Derek. But then Derek's eyes turned red and howled loudly. That made Issac stop.
After that, he approached me.
"Are you okay?" Derek asked me
"No...."I said frightened
"Come on. Let me help you," he said and grabbed me with his strong arms.

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