Chapter 11

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"Sylvie wake up!!!"Anthi beamed and kicked the door.

"What time is it?" I asked her
"Almost 10pm. Come on we have to go to the mall for new clothes! Tomorrow is the party!" she said
After a while I grabbed a cup of coffee and Anthi was checking her bag.

"Are you ready?" she asked me
"Yeah!" and I grabbed my bag.
When the taxi arrived at the mall. I tried to think about what kind of clothes I should buy.
I need to wear something just to remind Derek what kind of girl he loses!
Okay, today I am confident. Pretty much positive, because it helps me think logically.

I was looking for skirts when Anthi came to me.
"Look at this dress! Do you think that it would suit me?" she asked me
The dress that she chose was black and kind of short and the cloth was modern.
"I think you should buy that," I told her
"What about you?" she asked
"I want to wear something dashing and showy."
"YOU???????" She asked surprised
"Yes me! I think I have a well-shaped body so why not?"I asked and looked at my body,

"Okay you should wear this top with this skirt," Anthi said and gave me a white top with a black skirt. The top looks very bold because it would highlight my chest.

"You will be so hot if you wear these! Trust me everyone will fall in love with you!" Anthi said.

I wish only one person to fall in love with me. And he is not a human.

"Okay I will buy them," I said and we headed to the cash register. Our clothes weren't expensive enough so we saved more money.
When we arrived home Anthi asked me something very unexpected.

"What's his name?"
"Uhm what?"I asked while I was taking the clothes out of the bags.
"Come on you are hiding something. I'm sure that he is a friend of Allison's."
Oh fuck!
"So tell me. Is he from your class?"
"Umm nope."
"Is he from my class?"
"Then what's his class?" she asked me
"He is older than us," I said hesitantly.
"What????? How old is he?"
"Oh my god! Are you crazy?" she yelled at me
"Relax Anthi we didn't do anything..........yet......."I said shyly.

"I bet that he is hot. Am I wrong"
"He is but he is also stubborn that's why I need your help,"I told her
"I want you to call Michael and ask him to bring in the party a guy friend of him."
"I sense a lot of jealousy....." she said and smirked.
"We will see that...." I said and smiled.

"Okay, I will tell him to come with Ralph. You remember him right? I think you two make a good couple but never mind."
I've met Ralph once at Michael's birthday. He is twenty years old, blonde with blue eyes and he has strong arms.
He is also a good guy not like Derek!

In the evening me and Anthi watched an old movie. Anthi paid attention to the movie but I didn't.

Okay, I admit it! I am anxious. I don't want to turn Derek against me but I can't let him control my life. What is going to happen tomorrow night when Anthi will meet him for the first time? I'm sure that she won't like him! I can't tell her now who he is!

After a lot of thought I fell asleep.
I woke up in the morning and I realized that I slept on the couch. I rubbed my eyes and checked my phone. Then I saw a message from Allison.

I hope you are not still angry. We know that Derek is abrupt and kind of jerky but we were all surprised because he cares about you, Sylvie! When you left he was very pensive and broody. I want you to remember something even if it's late.

Even though if it's late? This can't be happening! Too late! I am in trouble!

It was 8 pm in the evening. Me and Anthi were getting ready for the party.
"Michael and Ralph will come and pick us up in a while.........Sylvie are you okay?" she asked me
"Yes, Anthi I am, "I said while I was watching myself in the mirror.
I wasn't
"You look amazing you look like a goddess!!!"
"You are the Greek Goddess of beauty!! You are so beautiful!" I told her and stared at her.

Her dress suits her well and it highlights her slim body. She straightened her hair and her makeup was on flick. Her red lipstick was glossy.

I was beautiful too. The white top and the short skirt suited me well. I was wearing black high-heeled boots and Anthi was wearing black classic heels. I had curls and half of my hair was back and tied up, like a little ponytail.

Then we heard a car horn.
"They are here! Let's go!!!" Anthi said and her face was full of happiness.
"Anthi wait a minute!"I said abruptly
"When we get there I want you to smile too or touch my shoulder when the..... old guy is looking at me."
I seriously cannot believe that I said that!
"Okay what's his name?" she asked me
"Oh......never heard of him," she said.
Lucky for you.
We got out of our house and we got into Michael's car. While everyone was laughing and talking I was on edge and melancholic.........

It's that feeling when you look beautiful and head to a place where the person you caught some feelings for is going to be there. And then you start being nervous about his reaction.

I made a lot of scenarios in my mind. Most of them were unpleasant and bad.

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