Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I was naked, covered with my quilt. I turned my head and saw Derek next to me, staring at me.
"Oh my god! Please don't do that again, you frightened me!"I said
"I'm sorry, I'm not doing that on purpose," Derek said.

We had strong eye contact and I was trying not to be anxious about what happened before.

I made love with Derek. I slept with a handsome but creepy guy who is a werewolf. My first time was with him.

"You seem very skeptical," he said
"I was just thinking that........all these moments between us, happened fast," I said.

"Did you regret your first time with me?" he asked me worried.

Then I looked at him deeply into his eyes while my head was lying on his chest.
"No, I would never regret something like that. Thank you for giving me those moments of happiness and pleasure." I said and kissed his lips.
He kissed me back and then he stood up.
"I should go, I don't want to get you in any trouble," Derek said while he was dressing up.

I wore my night dress and then he came close to me.
"Stay safe okay?"Derek told me and caressed my cheek.
I nodded and he kissed me. Then he left. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from Anthi. It was almost 3 am and she wasn't at home. I didn't want to sleep after that night with Derek.

I didn't want him to leave like that, but I decided to keep this relationship a secret. I want to tell Anthi but I'm afraid of her reaction.

I made a sandwich to eat while I was watching TV. The channels were different here according to the rating system. I didn't have many choices because, at the time, I could only watch horror movies. After multiple times pressing the next button, I found a Greek channel. Live distributing news at three am. Probably in Greece was noon. It could be because Anthi brought a satellite dish from Greece. The lights were off and I paid attention to the screen while drinking a glass of water.
We must not forget that two young men have been missing for the past week. Police are trying their best to find some traces of these men as they have committed many crimes in the past......."
I almost choked. My heart started thrumming behind my chest.
I closed the TV immediately. This can't be happening. Maybe it is a coincidence but what if it's not? What if it's them?

Am I safe? I think it's the best the fact that me and Isabel are not in the same country.

Suddenly I heard keys on the door. I turned my head and I saw Anthi entering the house.
"Thank god you are here. I have to tell you something." I said.
She had to know that. She is involved in that tragedy too.

"Yeah me too. I broke up with Michael."
I was surprised that I forgot to close my mouth.

"Wait wait what happened?" I asked her.
"It's complicated Sylvie. I wasn't sure about his love for me. And when I told him that I was breaking up with him, he didn't do anything to make me be with him. He just let me go."Anthi said
"Oh my god. Anthi I'm so sorry....." I said and hugged her
"Don't be. It's better that way. What did you want to tell me?"
I looked at her and I couldn't say a word.
If I tell her about the news she will freak out. That was my thought.
"I......just wanted to say.....that you should be careful because it's Peter can meet you again if he wants to."I told her
"Yeah, I know that. Don't worry. I will go to sleep now."
"Me too," I said and went to my bedroom.

I slept for only four hours and then I took a hot bath. I treated my hair and my face and then I felt all of my negative vibes going away. Anthi was still sleeping so I decided to make the perfect breakfast for her. I made soufflé pancakes and I added honey. I also prepared a glass of milk.

"You made my day!!!!"I heard Anthi saying and yawned. Her purple pajamas and her braid were so cute.
She was staring at the pancakes and smiled.

"I love taking care of my best friend when she is sad. I just want to see her happy!" I said and smiled back.
She started eating her meal and I could see that she was enjoying it.
I joined her and ate some of the rest pancakes. They were delicious.
"You know what else will make me feel better? Shopping therapy!"Anthi said.
"Well, you are not wrong. We should go!"
During our route, Anthi was singing very loud the song Sign of the Times by Harry Styles and I was laughing because of her loud voice.
"This man is my entire world!" she yelled while looking at the car's mirror with her red sunglasses.
After a long day of shopping, we went back home and then we tried our new clothes on.
Anthi took off her green top and wore her new white one with her new black jeans.
"You look gorgeous with these colors," I said to her
"Yeah I know, It's because I am brunette," she said while she was taking off her white top.
"You have a well-shaped body, so everything suits you well. We are lucky to have those...."I was about to say while trying to fix my jeans and that was the moment when I heard Anthi shouting behind me.

"OH MY GOD! I CAN SEE YOU!" Anthi screamed and approached the window.
"What happened?"

"I saw Peter staring at me through the window. I swear it was him, I saw it in my mirror. I bet he saw me with my underwear." she said
I kept looking at her and didn't know what to say.
"Are we being stalked by the Hale family?" She asked me and that crack her voice made when she said the word stalked made me sigh in frustration. Her gaze became melancholic.
"I don't know Anthi, but we need to be careful," I said

The next day at school, I went to Allison and Lydia but they seemed a little distant.
"Hey, girls," I said
"Hello Sylvie...."Allison said.
"What's wrong, Did something happen?" I asked
"No, nothing," Allison said
"Did Scott tell you about Peter? I think we should meet the others because....?"
"Sylvie, we are not going to have those meetings again. I and Allison argued with Scott and Stiles."Lydia interrupted me.
"Why? They are your boyfriends." I said.
"It's a long story and we need to go but don't talk to Scott and Stiles," Lydia said and left with Allison.

That was weird. They were avoiding me but why?

I saw Issac in front of his locker. When he saw me he turned his head abruptly and left
What the hell is happening?

When I arrived home I told Anthi what happened.
"That is weird. You should ask for explanations."Anthi told me as she was erasing a whole page of Physics exercises.
"I know but it's hard. I need to find an excuse and talk to them." I said.
"You'll find a way. I'm going to sleep because I have a headache. The school was very hard today. I hate that Physics teacher." Anthi said and rolled her eyes.

When I went to my bedroom, I saw Derek standing again, next to my window. His black clothes contrast with my whole soft grey and white room.
"DEREK! What are you doing here? Anthi is in her bedroom. What if she hears us?"
"Don't worry, she won't. I wanted to see you now because I have to be somewhere in the evening."
"Where?" I asked him
"I will meet Peter........At least I will try to meet him," he said.
I knew that he was lying. He didn't even want to look at him.
Then he kissed my lips but I could sense how cold he was.
"I don't have time, I need to go," Derek said and left.

Then I took my bag and my jacket.
I borrowed Anthi's car without her permission and started driving to Scott's house. I had the feeling that they would all be there without me.
When I arrived I tried to see from the inside of the car through Scott's window. I could see Lydia, Allison, and Issac.
Then I got out of the car and took a few steps closer to Scott's house. Then I saw Scott, Stiles, and Derek.
I was right. They were all there.
Suddenly I saw Lydia looking at me and then I put my finger in front of my lips because I wanted her to be quiet.

I got in the car and drove back home.
I was so upset and angry at the same time. Then I got a message from Lydia.
I will come tomorrow to your house at 11 am to explain to you what's happening. But this has to stay between us.

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