Chapter 41

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"What? He dared to call you?" Anthi asked surprised while she was serving a vegetable soup.

"Yeah! And he sounded so calm like nothing serious is going to happen in the future." I replied and my left leg was trembling because of my adrenaline.

"Trust me, Peter will kick his ass and Derek will finish him off! He is not going to let him hurt you again!" She said and brought the spoons.

I looked at the food and formed an expression of disgust.

"You should eat! It's not tasteless!" Anthi said.

"I can't eat. My stomach rejects food."I said sadly.

"Sylvie, what's wrong with you? Your eyes are swollen and you don't eat."

"How am I supposed to eat? I can't stop having bad thoughts! I'm scared Anthi!" I said and she looked at me disappointed.

"Don't let the anxiety make you weak. Try to focus on studying and then we'll see." She said supportively.

I spend many hours of studying. It's difficult for me the part of trying to make myself stay focused on the book and not think of anything else. I read the numbers and the paragraphs out loud because it's helpful for me to pay attention. Anthi studies many hours too. We sleep around four or five hours a day. The issue is that my body started feeling exhausted.
I saw myself in the mirror and discerned my swollen eyes, my pale skin, my slim body. I was like the first days here and Derek called me a freak.

Derek. I breathe for him, I live for him. When I told him about Eric his silence made me be frightened. Because I was talking to him on the phone. I couldn't see his face, his eyes, his glance. He just growled and told me that he would make him pay for that.

One day till the full moon.
"It's over Sylvie. Tomorrow we are going to put an end to this."

"I know Anthi. I spent all of my anxiety the last days and I feel like I don't have more of it to spend!" I said with honesty.

She turned around and looked at me from the top to the bottom and then she shook her head negatively.

"You look so tired. And I don't mean physically. I mean mentally."Anthi said disappointedly

"Maybe it's because I am," I said.

Then she took out of the closet black jeans and a black sweater.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"You brought up the trend of wearing the same color with your mood so I'm going to wear this color. Like you." She said.

I looked at my clothes. I was wearing a black straight skirt and a black top. I didn't want to wear a light color.

"You don't have to do this, "I said while I was going downstairs.

I heard her door closing behind me.

"Are we ready?" I asked Nancy and she was preparing the wolfsbane for the guns. She seems so skilled and experienced. She is not afraid.

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