Chapter 39

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"That's it, this was the last straw, ENOUGH, I DON'T KNOW HOW ELSE TO SAY IT! I told you everything, I changed my mind so many times for you, I fought with my sister and despite all my justifiable demurral about your pack, I did nothing to stop you. But right now I can't, not even accept it!" I was shouting without stopping at Derek and stared at him in indigestion.

I removed some tufts of my hair behind my ears and got up from Derek's bed. I smoothed down my black nightdress. He was looking at me, discomforted.

"Do you know how many months I've tried to get all of these traumatic memories out of my mind? And you did a mind control to me just to bring them back with a dream?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't have a choice. You didn't tell me the truth when I asked you about who you fear the most so I found out by myself."

"And you find it right? At one point I opened my eyes and saw you above me pushing me, your eyes were red, I thought that you liked watching me suffering and then, the images were confusing me. It was like I was seeing you and Eric at the same time. Terrible feeling." I said and felt my sweaty face with my hand.

"You lied to me, Sylvie. Again! I don't want you to be afraid of him anymore. I know that it is hard for you but we can't move on if you don't stop fearing him." Derek said.

I can't believe what he is saying to me.

"IT IS HARD FOR ME DEREK! You saw what he did to me and he knows about you so I have one more reason to be afraid. He will do anything to ruin my love for you."

Then Derek stared into my eyes and seemed a little touched after my last phrase. He approached me slowly.

"I saw him now, I will do anything to stop him. He is a young man, not a werewolf. Even if he was stronger than me I would fight him. Nothing is going to stop me from taking care of our safety. He has an obsession with you Sylvie. I know how dangerous he can be."

I still don't know what he earned by this mind control. How is this going to help him?

The way his fingers were applying pressure to my head and his eyes were red and staring at me, made me believe that he was trying to hurt me. This was a traumatic experience.

"You did this mind-controlling just to see him? What if he finds you?"I asked

"He already did Sylvie," Derek muttered and looked at me right in the eyes.

My heart started beating fast again. All that anxiety, the worries are back. Deep down, I was hoping to avoid the doomed day that Derek and Eric would meet each other. Eric would never let Derek live normally and happily because of me. I felt like my forehead was frozen and my body was numb.

"What do you mean by that? How?" I asked him frightened.

"He called me in the morning and I don't know how he found my number. He wants to meet me."Derek said calmly.

"No," I said abruptly, still in denial to believe him.

"First, he threatened me that if I don't come, he will come in this loft and kill you with the way he tried the last time......."Derek continued talking.

I closed my eyes and formed an expression of disgust.

"And he told me to be prepared for something very unpredictable. He will call me again to tell me the place and the day."Derek said ironically.

"Derek listen to me. You can't meet him, you must not meet him. He wants to distract you, it could be a trap, so please don't go!"

"That's not an option Sylvie. Do you want to wait for him and watch him killing you?"
"I'm not gonna let you go. Do you hear me?"I almost shouted.

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