Chapter 48

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5 days later...

After a long time of suffering, I feel that I can sleep peacefully in the presence of the man for whom I lived a hell to bring him back but I don't regret it at all since today I woke up in his arms.

When we freed them we ran back to the cars and Riley called an ambulance for the huntress who was lucky enough to have the bullet lodged low in her leg removed from Anthi's gun. 

Riley continues staying at our place until we are sure we are out of danger and today we will discuss her return trip in two days.

Anthi has found her smile again and walks around wearing her new dress. The last few nights she stayed at Peter's apartment who hasn't lost his strange sense of humor, and now Riley sleeps in Anthi's room.

Stiles returned home with his father who is trying to find Nancy to ask her for an explanation about Isabel's disappearance.

As for Nancy, missing.

The last time I spoke to her was when she was hospitalized and told her the whole truth about Isabel.

I found it odd that she hadn't done anything since the day we saved Derek and Peter.

During this time, I told the whole story of Isabel's transformation to Derek.

"She'll be looking to find a pack. This full moon will be very dangerous. You have to be careful." he said and stroked my hair.

"Today?" I asked him with wide eyes.

He kissed me softly on the lips and smiled. "Now you have me. Don't worry. I'll protect you."

"Just like you did last time." I heard Riley's shrill voice outside my bedroom door.

I stood up abruptly and opened the door causing her to stumble. "Eavesdropping?"

"I don't get it, are you going to blame me because my ear accidentally fell on your door? This happens."

"Ok, now you've convinced me." I smiled.

He looked at Derek critically and then catwalked downstairs.

Derek got out of bed and started to get dressed. My eyes traveled once again to his gorgeous body but were brought back to reality by his voice.

"I have to go to my loft today. I have to see Liam."

And that's when Anthi and I forgot to discuss something very important.

"He must have come back after what happened with Lisa."

Anthi told me over the phone about her sister's adventure with Liam while we were still living in Riley. During a fight between Liam and a drunk man, Lisa saw his golden eyes and fangs and squealed. It took three hours of talking from a phone call before Anthi could convince her that these creatures exist and we sleep with two of them.

"Derek is looking for him," I told her as I filled a mug of coffee.

"Lisa told me he left. I'm sure there was something between them but now she's going through denial, the same phase I was in at the beginning with Peter."

 I laughed. Who would have thought that we would end up like this? "Will you come today;"

"The truth is, I want to stay with him today. Do you mind?"

I looked at the midday sun casting beautiful shadows in the kitchen. "No don't worry, Riley will be with me until Derek comes back."

"Fine then."

I hung up and noticed Riley fitting her pink tight dress which had a heart-shaped slit just above the bust.

"Where are you going;" I asked her.

"Stiles promised to take me for shopping therapy to cheer me up after the latest adventures. I'll be back in the evening."

After half an hour I found myself alone in my house. Which seemed completely unusual to me.

I'm afraid? No.

I'm lying? Maybe.

I spent the afternoon on the couch watching TV with my cell phone next to me. But my mind couldn't get out that image.

Her eyes. Her terror.

I think about her a lot. Even though I should hate her, I don't feel that way. Why do I feel like that after I know that she tortured my boyfriend?

 I want to see her and talk to her pretending that nothing is happening.

Yeah, I have mental problems.

When it got dark and the only light in the room was the light from the TV, I decided to get some sleep until Derek returned.

That strange sound that came from my bedroom had other plans.

I stood up and dialed Derek's number into my phone as I walked up the stairs. Before I could call him I saw a call from Nancy and I picked it up without waiting a second.

"Nancy, finally I found you. How are you?"

She sounded scared. I saw that my window was open even though I was almost certain that I didn't open it.

Riley may have opened it just before she left.

It could also be Derek.

I entered my room and approached the window, with Nancy on the other line. "Nancy, can you hear me?"

"Sylvie we need to talk now!" I heard the tremor in her voice.

"What happened?" I said as I fixed my cell phone to my ear to close the window.

"For the past few days I've been with-"

I felt a strong thump on the back of my head and then an intense numbness.

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