Chapter 45

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The trip was way too longer than I expected. There was an awkward silence between me and Stiles and I liked it because...
.....I like making people feel awkward. Especially the ones who made me feel mad or provoked me.....
Unfortunately, Stiles broke that blissful silence.

"So....Now that Sylvie and Anthi aren't in the same car, I want you to listen to me carefully."

"You are asking too much," I muttered.
He gave me a look of astonishment. His hands were focused on the steering wheel and his eyes were looking once at the road and once at my legs.

"Riley you have to stop being mad at me for stupid reasons," he said.

"Ugh excuse me. I've lost my one and expensive carpet because of your stupid fat feet!" I yelled.

"Fat?" He asked.

"Yes!"I said and rolled my eyes.
"I said I'm sorry! How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry?"

"About 127 times," I said and checked my nails.

"Why?" he asked me.

"Because it's the number of my favorite pair of boots. So it's my lucky number"
"You are amazing..."Stiles muttered.

"And you should be thankful for having me in your car."

We had eye contact and it was the first time that I looked at him into his eyes. He has beautiful eyes even though I hate the color brown.

"Riley I thought that I could trust you because I thought you love your cousin," Stiles said calmly.

"Depends on which cousin you are referring, to because Isabel deserves to go to hell," I said.

"I knew that it was all Isabel's fault. What are you going to do when we get to the police station?"

"I'm going to laugh at her and...."I stopped abruptly

The flashback.

" Our cousin wants to design clothes. Sylvie don't listen to her. Find a job that will make you unstoppable and with power. I am going to be a successful lawyer. All of our relatives are going to be proud of me."Isabel said before four years.

"Go ahead I don't care. I want to turn my talent into a job."I yelled at her.

And I was seventeen back then.
And now I'm successful and she is not.
That's what I want to remind her.

Back to reality.....

"Let's just say that I want to laugh at her misery," I said and looked through his car's window.

"I understand."

I gave him a look but then I turned my head to the window.

"The thing is that Nancy is free. And she is dangerous as always."Stiles said fretfully.

"Yeah, tell me something that I don't know," I said ironically.

"We need a plan. And more information about Derek and Peter."

That was the moment when I understood that Stiles was a liar.

"So you know that they are alive, you just don't know where they are hiding," I said and gave him a wild look.

He sighed and fluttered his eyes.

"Riley, the plan was about Sylvie and Anthi not knowing that they are alive."

"Yeah but now everybody knows the truth and those two are living in a fake world. Why didn't they want them to know?"

"Derek had the idea. He thought that it would be safe for Sylvie to know nothing, in case Nancy found her."

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