Chapter 8

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I kept looking at Derek while my heart was about to break.
"Your actions made me think like that," I said while I was playing with my fingers, nervously.

"So you are saying that you will fall in love with anyone who tries to save you?"
"No of course not. It's complicated. I knew that it would be difficult but...... I didn't take rejection as an option." I said and looked down.
"You should have," Derek said
We were standing in the kitchen, in front of the window. The lights were off but the moon lit up the room very nicely.

"Derek you are confusing me. If you don't feel anything about me and if you think that it's not right then why did you save me from Peter? And why are you here right now?"
"Well I was about to leave," he said coldly.

"You didn't answer my question," I told him
"Look I have to go. I just wanted to make it clear to you..... and I did so.....goodbye" he said and went to the door.
"You can't just leave like that!" I yelled

"Yes, I can! Look I've dated a lot of girls Sylvie! Older girls. I'm twenty-three years old Sylvie, I won't earn anything from you!"

What the fuck? What is he saying right now? Does he realize how much he is hurting me with his words?

"Goodnight Sylvie"
"Derek don't talk to me like that" I yelled and followed him outside.
"Please go inside and stop following me like a dog," he said but avoided looking at me.
Did he just call me a dog?
"Other guys would probably want to date me!" I said and tore up.

"Yeah probably....... Just for your body!" Derek said and laughed
"YOU ARE AN ASS!!!!!" I yelled at him and went back home.
I closed the door and sat on the floor. I started crying again. I should have controlled that. I know this must not affect me. Now that I know this secret I should find a believable story about yesterday for Anthi. She is not going to relax If I don't tell her.

After a while, I went to the bathroom and I looked myself in the mirror. My mascara was all gone after the last tears.
And now I am a zombie with black lines under my eyes and depressed because a werewolf rejected me. How great is that? Why he was so brash and disrespectful to me?

I cleaned my face and then I heard footsteps. It was Anthi.
"You're back," I said to her while I headed downstairs.
"Yeah, I am. Did your friends leave?"
"Yes.....We discussed something important."I said and straightened the drape over the sofa.
"Like what? Why don't you tell me?" Anthi asked
"It has to do with my yesterday's absence"
"So you're not gonna tell me right?" she said and shook her head.

"No, I will. Now sit down" I told her
We sat in the kitchen. This was the last room in my house that I wanted to be right now but I shouldn't think of that.

" Listen Anthi. Yesterday while I was going to Allison's house a man who has psychological problems attacked me. He's been threatening Allison and her friends for a long time. No, he knows that I am a new friend of Allison's so I am his new victim now."I lied.
"Jesus Christ! What are we going to do?" she asked frightened.

"We should be careful. He is tall, brunette, sometimes he wears a black coat, he has blue eyes and he's acting like a psychopath." I told her
"What if he finds me instead of you?"
"You will act like you've never seen him before, never heard of him. You will act like he is just a stranger. Don't worry. Everything is going to be ok. I promise." I said

The time was 11 am. I went to my bed and tried to get some sleep. Then my mind didn't shut off. I was thinking of Derek again.
Suddenly I heard something from outside. I had my window open. Maybe it was nothing. I closed my eyes and tried to chill. Then I heard my name. My eyes opened widely and checked my clock. It was 2 am and when I looked around I saw Peter staring at me.

I was about to scream but he closed my mouth.
"If you scream, I'll rip your best friend's head off with my teeth. She looks so pretty and tasty when she's sleeping"
I stayed quiet, but my fright made me tremble.

"Good girl, now listen to me. I want my nephew and Scott with me not against me. And I know you can affect Derek. So If you change his mind I won't bother you again."
"There is no way. I won't do that." I said abruptly.
Then he put his finger in my healed wound.
My heart started beating fast.

"Can you hear that Sylvie? This is your heart. And if you see your chest, your wound is filled with blood again. So I want you to know that Derek can hear you, feel you, and smell you. Now he knows that you are in danger. That's why I want you to change his mind. Can you see now your connection with Derek?"
The fact that Derek knows whenever I'm in danger, makes me shudder.
Then we heard a howl from outside. It was loud.

"Did you hear that? That was Derek howling for me to leave you alone.
Everyone thinks that it's just a wolf but it's Derek!!!!"Peter said
"Oh my god, this is crazy!!!!!" I said scared, sobbing.
"Well, looks like you and I are going out tonight darling!!!" he said and he smiled insidiously
Then his eyes turned red and he covered my face with his arms.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed.

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