Chapter 22

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I could feel the needle in my skin and the pain was unbearable. I wrapped my hands around his neck and tried to squeeze while screaming.

Allison opened the door and came into the room.
"What happened?" she asked
"She is having a panic attack! I gave her a sedative injection. You need to get out!"Eric said and Allison followed him.
I could feel the numbness all over my body. I couldn't keep my eyes open and after some seconds I sank into the darkness.

I took some clothes from Sylvie's closet and then I realized that it was almost empty.
Oh my god, she tried to leave town.

I put the clothes in a bag and then I got into my car but I took a big breath before starting driving.

There is something else that Sylvie isn't telling me. I know her well. If her problem was only Derek she would take revenge, not leave the town like a lost and scared girl. Something happened and it terrified her.

I concentrated on my thoughts and I didn't understand that I was outside the hospital.

Well, at least I am a good driver.
I went to the canteen and ordered a coffee. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Please let me pay the bills. It's my first little gift to you."
I glanced back.

Peter is here too?
"Seriously Peter?" I wondered.
Then he paid for my coffee.
"Well, I didn't want to leave you alone. I care about you," he said
"Oh please, did you teach to your nephew how to make people sad?" I asked him ironically.

"Well, to be honest, Derek screwed it up. I didn't tell him to disappoint Sylvie," he said
"Okay but do you have the audacity of being here in front of me right now?" I asked him
"Why are you always mad at me? I'm not Derek!"he said.

"But you are his relative so, this does the same to me," I said and grabbed the coffee. I looked at him with a disappointing glance and left.

Allison seemed a little anxious so I approached her to break the ice.

"Do you want to leave? I am here now so it's fine."I said
"Well, to be honest, I feel exhausted so I will go home to rest a little. But if you need something, call me,"she said

"Thank you. How is Sylvie? Do we know something?"I asked

"I heard her screaming and she was trying to attack a nurse."

"What? Why? I mean why would she do that?" I asked Allison

"I have no idea. That nurse did an injection to her and he almost forced me to get out of the room. He was angry and confused at the same time."she said.

Shit! I knew that something weird and unexpected happened. I need to talk to Sylvie.

When Allison left, I realized that I was alone in the hallway and I decided to take the opportunity and go to Sylvie. I needed some answers.
I got into her room and opened the light behind her bed. She was sleeping and I didn't want to scare her.
"Sylvie! Sylvie please wake up."

I pushed her lightly and then she opened her big eyes very abruptly.
She started panting and breathing fast.

"Sylvie please calm down! It's me Anthi!"
"Anthi! They are here. They found me!" she told me panicked.
I fell apart. I couldn't believe what I heard!
" cameras....and see if it was Daniel....." she said and then a doctor came in.
"Excuse me, young lady. I'm here to see how you are doing." the doctor said and then she saw that Sylvie was having fast heartbeats.

She checked her serum and then she turned her head to face me.
I got outside but I was still in shock that I couldn't sense that someone almost poisoned Sylvie. My mind wasn't working, I could only think of Sylvie's instructions.
So I walked to the door which had a sign.

Staff only!

I put my hand on the handle but someone who was inside opened it.
"Are you lost? Only people who work here can enter the room!" a man with a black costume said to me
I didn't know what to say because I was still in shock.

"Excuse me sir can you help me?"I heard a familiar voice behind me
It was Peter again.
The man approached him and then Peter punched him in the face hard.
"Go! We don't have much time!" Peter said while he was holding the unconscious man.
I got inside and saw some desks and another door opposite me. I opened it and saw a lot of screens and computers.

There was a camera to the right of the hospital entrance so I took control of the screen and regulated the time between 10 pm and 01 am last night. I pressed fast motion and then I paid attention to the screen. Suddenly I saw Sylvie with wounds and blood, in the arms of one guy. I pressed stop and I zoomed in.

Oh my god. I couldn't forget that face full of black circles and scratches on his neck. Also, his blonde hair is the same and I remember how alike he is to his brother. It was Daniel! Daniel brought Sylvie to the hospital!

I waited and saw a nurse approaching Daniel fast and they went into a room. I moved to the corresponding screen and then I saw Daniel and the nurse trying to clean up Sylvie's injuries. Suddenly the nurse turned around and punched the door hard. He took his mask off and I saw his face.
It was Eric! Daniel's younger brother. He was dressed like a nurse. He found Sylvie! I need to take Sylvie out of here as soon as possible.

I went out of that creepy chamber and Peter wasn't there. While I was approaching Sylvie's room the doctor came to me.
"How is she?" I asked her anxiously.
"She had shortness of breath but we fixed the problem. Now she is fine. You can see her." she said and smiled at me.
"Thank you so much," I said and got into Sylvie's room.

She was awake and calm. Better than the last time I saw her.
"Did you see him? Was it Daniel who brought me here?" Sylvie asked me
"Yes," I answered
"Anthi I need to get out of here! Eric knows about Derek too!"
"What? You mean that he knows that Derek is a werewolf?"I asked her fearful.

"No, I don't think so. But he saw him.........with me...."Sylvie told me.
"What are we going to do? It's not that simple!" I asked her

"I have a plan but you can't tell anyone. Not even to Derek!"Sylvie said

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