Chapter 30

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The policeman got me out of the patrol car and we got into the police station. We were crossing the corridors and I felt a pain in my hands. Maybe it's because of the handcuffs. Some other officers were staring at me with curiosity. I was watching my steps and tried to stay calm. Then I remembered something.

Under other circumstances, this moment was my worst nightmare two years ago. After Chris' murder, I was so scared that one day they would arrest my parents because of me. Those thoughts and nightmares made me have panic attacks at night and I remember that I couldn't eat normally. I was so messed up before.

Officer Stones unlocked the police cell and I got in. He took off the handcuffs I was wearing and locked the rail door. There was a wooden bed near the door but it seemed kind of old and dirty. I came close to the railings.

"You are going to stay here until I shed light on the subject." Officer Stones said.

"Yeah good luck with that," I answered ironically.

I sat on the bed and realized that it had an awful smell.
"Why am I living this?" I wondered

"Sylvie can't be there right now! It's dangerous! I have to get her out of there as soon as possible!"Derek yelled and covered his eyes with his hands.

Everyone was talking at the same time. I felt like the room got stuffy. I didn't say a word. I was just sitting in the kitchen, watching that chaos.
"You should try to find a way to save Sylvie," Derek said to me
"I can't. It was a matter of time for her to be there."I said and looked down disappointed.

"To be honest it is not our interest that Sylvie is arrested. You have to tell us what happened."Peter told me
"No, it's not of your business. I can't do anything about it."I said abruptly.

"What kind of a friend are you? Are you that dumb to understand what's happening right now?"Derek asked me with anger.

IF YOU WANT THAT MUCH TO MESS IT UP MORE THEN GO TO THE POLICE STATION AND GRAB HER!" I shouted and stood up abruptly with my palms touching the table.

He was looking at me angrily and surprised. Then everyone looked at me.
"I want to be alone! Please go! ALL OF YOU!" I yelled.
Lydia and Allison got out, worried. Everyone left but Peter and Derek stayed.
"Listen I'm sorry for my nephew's behavior but you have to tell us what exactly happened. I know that you know something more. I can read your eyes......"
Then I looked at him deeply into his blue eyes and felt that he could read my mind.

".....A lawyer is going to get her out," I said calmly.

"Who told the police about the murder?" Derek asked
".......Eric Did. He confessed that he saw Sylvie stabbing Chris that night.  He also referred that......"
"What? What did he say?"Derek asked and he sounded anxious
".......That you are seducing Sylvie in her own house....."
Derek was speechless after my answer. I could see that he was blaming himself on the inside for getting Sylvie into that trouble.

Derek got out of the house in a bad psychological state. Me and Peter were alone and he sat next to me.
"Why didn't you leave?" I asked him
"Because I don't think that you should be alone right now," he said
Then he touched my hand and he looked at me.

"You can talk to me. I'm here for you."
"And why should I? What do you want from me? I don't think that you like me."I said.

"Because you and I have a lot in common."

"No, no! I wasn't a psychotic werewolf before!" I said and moved to the other edge of the couch with my knees touching each other.
"I didn't mean that. I have a feeling that you feel alone in this."Peter said and moved next to me.
He was right.
Then I realized that tears were rolling down my face and suddenly I felt Peter's arms around me. I hugged him too and then something changed inside me. I had a feeling that I could trust him. He kissed my hand and I smiled.
I told him everything.

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