Chapter 7

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"I am all ears," Anthi said while she was preparing a cup of coffee.
"Okay........Yesterday I went to Allison's to help her with her Math homework" I told her
"Oh, you did? Are you sure?" she asked disbelieving.
"I found Allison's phone number from my classmate Vanessa. Sylvie why are you lying?" she yelled at me.
Oh Fuck!!!!!

"Please can we skip this?"I asked her
"No you should tell me the truth, you promised me" Anthi yelled
"It's complicated okay? It's not that simple" I said and covered my head with my hands.

"So is my life Sylvie!!!!! We've known each other for a long time. We used to help each other remember?"
"Please don't make me feel worse" I begged her
"I'm worried about you! We are like sisters. I remember when you tried to keep your first secret. When I found out I understood why you were acting like that. Then I didn't want you to keep a secret again from me because it would be a disaster."
I looked at her surprised

"Unless is that case! Is that the reason? Are they back? Did they find you?"

My eyes opened wide after hearing her question.
"If they were here, in this town I wouldn't be here now. You should forget them. Someday they will stop looking for me" I said and started being anxious.

"Can I ask you something? After that murder, you did find me but..... where did Isabel go? Where did she hide?" Anthi asked me and tore up.
"I don't know Anthi....."I said and started crying too.

Isabel is my sister. We have the same father. We were always together. Everything changed that night of the murder. It was the last time I saw Isabel.  It's been two years since that night.

I don't know where exactly she is. I've been informed that she is living the perfect life in Europe as a lawyer. She might have the degree but it doesn't help the fact that this twenty-four-year-old woman was involved in a murder.

"Anthi listen to me. I am safe. And thank you for yesterday. The last thing I wanted to see is the cops."

" I wouldn't call the police. Things would be so messed up if I called them" Anthi told me
"That's right. If they see my name and check my past they will arrest my parents." I told her
"I just want you to be safe," Anthi said
"I will," I said and tried to smile.

Then we heard a knock on the door.
I opened it and saw Allison and Lydia.
"Good morning Sylvie," Allison said
They seemed a little scared and worried.
"Can we come in?" Lydia asked
"Yeah.....sure," I told them and took a step back.
When they entered my house they saw Anthi.
"Oh, Allison look. Anthi is also there" Lydia said and her eyebrows were raised.
"Why is everything okay?" I asked
"Anthi could you please do us a favor and leave us alone with Sylvie? We have to discuss something important."
Anthi looked at me and then she took her bag.

"Well I was about to visit my boyfriend so I guess I'll just leave now," she said and she left.

"Is she alright?" Lydia asked
"No, she's not. And neither am I " I said
"Listen Sylvie. Yesterday you found out something that you didn't expect. That there are two werewolves in our little company" Allison said
"What?..... Did Derek tell..."
"Yes, he told us," Lydia said
"Where is he now?" I asked worried.

"Outside your house, waiting in his car. He wants to make sure that Anthi left. He will come with Stiles and Scott" Allison told me
Then we heard Scott's voice. I opened the door and saw Scott, Stiles, and Derek standing.
"Hello, Sylvie. Can we come in?" Stiles asked with a cute smile.
"Of course you can," I said and smiled back.

We were sitting in the living room. Derek was sitting opposite me.
"Sylvie. Today we are here to announce to you that you are officially a member of our secret group because now you know the truth about me and Derek" Scott said.

"And you should keep this a secret. We know that this is hard for you but you have to try." Stiles continued
"So what are we going to do now" I asked and gave a blank stare on the floor.

"Peter is out there free and he is killing people just to make me follow him and do the same," Derek said
"And he won't do that because his uncle is a psychopath. I'm sure that someday in full moon Peter would kill Derek too." Stiles said.

"So to keep ourselves safe from him we decided to kill him," Lydia said
"What? Are you serious?" I yelled.
"Sylvie you won't do it relax. Derek will." Stiles said
"You are going to kill your uncle? Are you ready for that?" I asked Derek and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"Yes and don't forget that if I kill him I will become the alpha"Derek answered.
This conversation sounded weird. How is that even possible? How does it work?

"So?? If you kill him you will do another murder which means that the police will have more evidence if they see your uncle dead. If they find out that you are his nephew they will suspect you for his murder. And if you become an alpha, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill anyone who suspects you?" I asked him

"Dude she's right," Stiles said
"It won't be that bad because Peter knows how to cover his murders. No one knows that he is a werewolf or a criminal. So it would be easy to kill him." Scott said
"How are you so sure about that?" I asked.

"It would be easy because we know his next action," Derek said
"That's why we are here Sylvie," Allison said
"What do you mean?" I asked and stood up from the couch.

"He is going to find you and try to kill you again just to threaten Derek," Stiles said
I couldn't help it. I burst into laughing until my voice became hysterical.
"I like the way you all trying to make it sound normal but it's not!"I said, ironically.

"Listen Sylvie we know that it's hard but we have a plan," Lydia said.
"Do you realize what are you saying? What if something goes wrong?" I yelled again
"Sylvie just listen to us," Allison said
"No just please leave me alone"
"Sylvie !!!"
"I said leave me alone!" I shouted

"I won't let anything happen to you while I am alive! Do you understand me?"Derek yelled louder.
I felt a momentary pain in my heart and stared at him.
"Listen we are going to leave her alone and we will talk again tomorrow okay?" Allison said
"Let's go guys," Stiles said.

I sat on the floor with my knees touching my chest and my head was covered with my hands so I didn't see who left and who stayed. I stayed in that position for a while and when I stood up I saw Derek staring at me.
"Oh god!! You scared me. I thought you had left" I told him
"I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you alone" he said silently and approached me.

"Why are you doing that? When you yelled before did you mean what you said?" I asked him and glanced up at him.

"Yes. Nothing will happen to you."
I stood up and went closer to him. I looked at him deeply in his eyes and I was going to kiss him
"What are you doing?" he asked me surprised
"I'm sorry. When I am with you I can't control myself"
"Sylvie I don't want you to think about me like that. It's not right. It's dangerous. It's not gonna happen." Derek told me and took a step back.
I felt like the time stopped. That I was stuck in his rejection. With one word...
I felt broken.....

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