Chapter 35

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"Be careful Stiles," I said while he was trying to lay Derek on his bed.
Scott was watching us and seemed skeptical.
"Can you please help us? Stiles can't do that all alone!" I said to Scott.
"Sorry, I'm just trying to figure out who did this to him and why," Scott said
"Can't you use your super-wolf senses to solve the problem?" Stiles asked
"Dude it's not funny!" Scott said
"Just tell me how to clean his wounds!" I said.
I was so sure that Derek's loft did not have even a painkiller so I didn't want to ask about having an emergency medical kit.
"Just clean them. He is going to be healed in a while so there's nothing more that you can do." Stiles said.
"I'm going to call Peter. He has to know what happened." Scott said and headed to the next room with Stiles.

I was sitting next to Derek, holding his hand and staring at him. He was still unconscious and I brought a bucket full of water and a towel. I approached the towel to his chest and when I touched him, the cold water made him wake up abruptly. He seemed in shock.
"What happened?" Derek asked
"You fainted and I was about to clean your wounds with this towel," I said and showed him my wet hand.
"It hurts," he said.
"I know but you have to be patient. It won't take long!" I said to encourage him.
Then I tried to clean his chest and his arms.
"Ughhhh." He groaned.
"It's okay. You are going to be fine." I said.
I drained the towel with my hands and the dirty water, spilled into the bucket. I refreshed the water and approached him again to clean his face.
"Let me clean your face," I said
He turned to me and I cleaned the blood on his nose and forehead. The distance we had between us was quite small. He was looking at me very intently with a look full of debauchery. I was almost scared. Suddenly he took my hand, looked at me deep in the eyes, and kissed it. I felt the pleasant shiver penetrating my whole body again.
"What are you doing?" I asked him
"Take it as a thank you. I had those bad thoughts that you wouldn't find me. That I would be behind the school and you would be.....gone."
"When you love someone, you don't give up easily," I said
"You know that I should've been mad at you!"
"Cause your phone did all this disaster! Who took it?" Derek asked me intensely
"I have no idea. Besides I was distracted by Anthi. I probably forgot it in my bedroom."
"Didn't you hear something weird? Or saw something?" he asked me
"Actually yes!" I said after a moment of silence.
"I heard a sound from upstairs and I wasn't sure but......the window was locked," I said
"Are you saying that, whoever it was, didn't break into from your window?" Derek asked
"What about the other rooms?"
"I'm not sure but we kept them locked after all of those who broke into."
Derek seemed skeptical. But he was still in pain. I could feel it. When I see him hurt I feel hurt twice!
"Now, I want you to tell me what exactly happened and who did it to you," I said to Derek and I put my hands on my knees. Derek started reciting his previous moments before he lost consciousness.

"YOU DICK! I HATE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN!" I shouted at Eric while I took out of my right arm a piece of glass.
"Watch your mouth or else the rest bottle is going to be driven right through your heart! That might show you who is the real dick in this room." Eric yelled and he was holding a broken glass bottle.
"YOU failed in this fucking mission and now YOU are threatening me?" I asked him
"I'm just reminding you that you were hiding from me and my brother for two years! It's easy to give you reasons to run away again so don't provoke me." Eric said
I stayed silent. Aiden and Ethan seemed to enjoy the whole argument between me and Eric. Nancy got into the basement and seemed a little intense. She placed her bow next to her weapons and approached us. She told us that is the place where Issac was kept by her. But this creep Derek rescued him.
"You went to Sylvie and told her that I know about the alpha pack and I'm helping the twins. Do you understand what you've done? Now she is going to suspect me for everything!" I yelled at Eric.
"I happen to know that you are an arrogant bitch and that contrasts with your sister. Sylvie can't think so cunningly and dirty, that's why I am obsessed with her. However, she can be as much dangerous as you, or more dangerous than you. When she took out that knife, I was so surprised!" Eric said and he lighted a cigarette.

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