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Jai's POV

It's been 3 weeks since Natalie told me that she's pregnant and I'm actually really excited about it. I'm really looking forward to being a dad and I know that she's looking forward to being a mum too but I can tell that she's really scared.

So I thought tonight would be the perfect time to propose to her while we're in Paris, France.

"Almost there." I whispered as I led her up the last few steps. She giggled and held onto my arm as she walked cluelessy up the steps.

I stopped her when we reached the top and took off her blindfold. 

She froze when she saw the rose petals and candles scattered everywhere, the dinner table set up and the view of Paris from where we standing on the Eifel tower.

"Jai, what is all this?" She gasped turning to face me with tears in her eyes.

"I just wanna show you how much I love you." I smiled and grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the table.

I pulled out her chair for her and she laughed. I sat down in my seat and a waiter came out and served us our favorite meal; Ravioli cabonara.

"You look so beautiful." I smiled and she blushed. She was wearing ( ).


Natalie's POV

After dinner and dessert Jai grabbed his guitar and I laughed. He always goes all out. He grabbed my hand and led me over to the edge were he quickly tested out the strings before playing One Time by Justin Bieber and serenaded me without looking away from my eyes.

I felt tears well up in my eyes when he finished. He put his guitar down and grabbed both my hands and stood only an inch away from my face and looked straight into my eyes.

"Natalie, when I first saw you in Dolly Girl wearing that dress I don't know what came over me but I knew I had to have you. I felt so confident with you and I've never felt that way before. The first time we kissed at Tyla's party I felt those sparks that everyone always talks about when you know you've found the one. Our first date I was stressing out to make sure it would be perfect and even though it did I was still terrified that you'd say no to being my girlfriend. But when you said yes I thought I was dreaming. Every single time I was with you I felt like I was on top of the world, even if we did nothing but pig out and watch movies and when you weren't with me I felt like I was lost in the world. Our first time at your birthday party was when I definetely knew you were the one. Because I didn't think I was having sex with you, and I never do, I make love to you. When I got you Lady I felt like we were raising a kid together. Your past changes absolutely nothing, I want to protect you. Going around the world with you now is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me Natalie and even though we sometimes have our downs I wanna make sure that it never tears us apart. Not only do I want you but I need you. I wanna raise this kid with you and start a family with you. Natalie, I love you, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. You may be my princess now, but soon I'm gonna have a little princess or prince, so I want you to be my queen." He paused and turned to the side where he whistled as if calling someone.

As the tears slid down my cheeks Lady came running out of nowhere with a black box in her mouth and a white bow tied around her neck. Jai knelt down, grabbed the box out of her mouth, pet her on the head before turning to me and getting down on one knee.

"Natalie, will you marry me?" He asked as he opened the box to show a gorgeous and very expensive looking ring ( ).

I gasped and more tears slid down my cheeks. He was actually proposing to me.

 "Yes!" I exclaimed and giggled a bit as the biggest smile I ever seen broke out onto his face. He slid the ring onto my finger and stood up.

I saw the tears in his eyes too. He wiped away my tears with his thumbs before leaning forward and  pressing his lips onto mine. It was one of the most amazing kisses of my life.


Sydney's POV

James, Daniel, Jasmine, Luke Beau, Alli and I were all on Skype with Sarah and Jai and Natalie who apparently had some news that they wanted to tell us.

I had a feeling I knew what it was all about but I just kept my mouth and smirked as I waited.

"Come on! Tell us!" Beau nagged like a child and we all laughed.

"You're pregnant!" Daniel exclaimed and we laughed again but I saw Natalie blush.

"Stop thinking everyone's pregant." I laughed and hit his arm.

"Yeah Skip, you're making all us girls look like sluts." Sarah laughed and so did we.

"Making yous?" Daniel laughed and Alli and I hit his arm.

"Daniel!" All us girls exclaimed and we all started laughing again. 

Natalie and Jai whispered something to each other before she rested her head on her left hand clearly showing a ring on her marriage finger.

"Natalie is that a ring on your finger?!" Jasmine exclaimed and Natalie and Jai began laughing.

"Yep. Natalie and I are engaged." Jai smiled and we all cooed and then began laughing.

"And I'm pregnant..." Natalie admitted quietly. Everyone froze and everything went quiet.

"I'm sorry, what?" Alli asked. Natalie was sitting on Jai's lap and he held her tighter and began rubbing her stomach.

"She's pregnant." Jai smiled and we all stayed quiet for a few seconds before cheering and congratulating them.


Natalie's POV

I lay in bed next to Jai staring into his eyes and talking. My fiance. I could get used to that.

"I wanna plan the wedding myself." I admitted.

"Ok, I'm helping you, but I'm planning our honeymoon. It's gonna be a secret so I can't tell you anything." He smirked.

"Deal." I giggled.

"I'm really glad you said yes tonight." He admitted.

"I'm really glad you asked." I laughed and so did he.

We continued for a bit longer before I slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms. His finace. That also sounded pretty good.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें