Reece Mastin

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Natalie's POV

I lay in bed partly awake but still too tired to attempt to open my e0yes. I lay in bed with my eyes closed until I felt someone in front of me. I didn't hear anything but I could tell someone was there.

"I know you're awake princess." Jai laughed stroking my face. I opened my eyes and giggled. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close to me for a kiss.

"What's the date today?" I asked getting up out of bed. Jai sat on my swivel desk chair and checked my Tiger Island calendar.

"Uh... The... 10th of November." Jai read out.

"Shit! Are you serious?!" I exclaimed running over and checking the calendar myself.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Ugh. I've got my VCE exams on Monday and I won't be able to study much this weekend. We've got the concert today and then Skip's fight tomorrow. Fuck." I groaned.

"Don't worry about it. You've been studying enough. I'll say over tonight and and test you. And we can study tomorrow before Skip's fight cause it isn't until 6. Relax baby. You'll do fine." He reassured me pulling me to sit on his lap and kissing me. I giggled and got up and walked into the bathroom.

I had a shower, got dressed in ( ), straightened my hair, brushed my teeth and did my usual make-up.

As I walked back into my room to grab my bag I heard Jai wolf whistle. I laughed and he slapped my ass.

"Jai!" I shouted. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're so gorgeous Natalie." He whispered in my ear. He began kissing my neck when I pulled away from him.

"No no no. Not now big boy." I laughed.

"Hey, I'm just teasing." He winked and I hit his arm.


Jai and I were the last of the group to show up at the Hardrock Cafe. We sat in the booth with the group and greeted everyone.

"We ordered this huge table meal about 5 minutes before you guys got here." Jasmine informed me.

"Cool thanks." I smiled. We began talking about the movie Looper that we had seen earlier in the week.

"It wasn't even about the freaking loopers. It was about the rainmaker. Why didn't they just call it rainmaker?" I pointed out.

"I didn't get the ending at all." Beau admitted. I laughed and was attempting to explain it to him but he just wouldn't get it.

"Never mind." I laughed. After a while more of Sarah trying to explain the ending to Beau the food finally came and so did Reece.

"Hey man, what's up?" Beau greeted him as he high fived him.

"Uh nothin' much. Just relaxing and looking for something fun to do before the show tonight." Reece explained.

"Oh don't worry. You'll have fun as long as you're with us." James pointed out and we all laughed. Beau introduced us and Reece is such a sweetheart. We completely killed the food and trust me, there was a whole lot of it, before deciding on what to do next.

"Oh my god! We should go to Altona beach!" Luke suggested. We all agreed and decided to go home and grab our stuff and then meet back there.


I turned off the ignition and Sydney and I jumoed out of the car and ran towards where the group was. We took off our clothes leaving us in just our bathers and lay down on the towels on the sand.  Jai came and lay down next to me. His perfect body was shining in the sun. God those abs.

"I know what you're thinking." Jai laughed. I turned to him and laughed.

"Come on. Let's go in the water." He suggested as he stood up and held out his hand. I took it and he threw he me over his shoulders.

"Jai! Put me down!" I screamed while we were both laughing. He got in the water and threw me in. I got back up out of the water and noticed his back was towards me. I ran up to him and jumped on his back. We both laughed and I kissed him on the cheek.

We spent the rest of the day at the beach in the water, tanning, burning, eating ice-cream and just chilling. Turns out Reece is one of those people who doesn't burn, he tans, the same with the Brooks'. I told him how unfair it was and he just laughed and rubbed it in my face every chance he had.


I was in my room and had just finished getting ready for the concert when I decided to log onto Twitter. I was constantly getting hate and support from the fan base but I didn't mind it. I ignored the haters but made sure to try and talk to all my supporters.

I noticed that everyone was tweeting #NatalieAndJai and that it was trending number 3 in Australia. I wondered why so I asked everyone on Twitter and found out that some fans had seen us playing in the water at the beach today and took heaps of awesome photos and everyone thought it was adorable.

"Natalie! I'm ready!" Sydney shouted from the hallway. I closed my laptop, grabbed my bag and walked into the lounge where I stole half of Sydney's Red Bull.


"Hey guys! Really glad you guys could come. I need all the support I can get right now. I'm super nervous and kinda freaking out. There's heaps of people here. I was also wondering if I could get you boys to sing Set This World On Fire before I go on?" Reece asked.

The boys discussed it for a bit before finally agreeing. Reece went into his dressing room to get ready before I turned to Jai. He was as pale as a ghost.

"Jai? Are you alright?" I asked stroking his face.

"Uh... Um... Yeah... Uhuh...." He stuttered not looking me in the eyes.

"Jai. Don't be nervous. Everyone loves the song and you guys barely used autotune. You'll do fine." I reassured him.

"Have you seen how many people are out there?" He pointed out. I pulled him in for a hug and could feel him holding me tight. He didn't want to let go. I suddenly had an idea.

"Jai. Imagine the crowd isn't there. You're not on a stage. You're with me. Just me and you. Imagine you're singing to me." I whispered in his ear. I pulled back and looked at him and he was smiling.

"You're amazing you know that?" He whispered pulling me in a kiss.


The boys ran onto the stage and the crowd went mental. They sung their song perfectly and everyone was going insane. Reece calmed down aswell after he saw the boys and Jai kept looking at me from the side pretending he was singing to me. It was a huge success and even Sarah was asked to sing a song which she did with ease.

After the concert we decided to go to TGI Friday's to celebrate. We bought a bottle of white wine and made a toast to Reece and wished him well for the future. We ate the delicious food and killed the bottle of wine. We had a real blast.

We went with Reece to the airport and said our goodbye's before he left. He was a really sweet guy.

Afterwards Jai came home with Sydney and I to help me study. We got some studying done but most of the time we were just kissing.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt