A bit tipsy

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Jai's POV

It felt so wierd walking into the restaurant alone. Natalie and I always go everywhere together. I found the group already sitting at a table and walked over to them.

"Hey, where's Natalie?" Beau asked moving over so I could sit down.

"She's not coming. She's gone to a mixer tonight at Monash. Sydney do you know someone by the name of Tyler Dean?" I asked as I grabbed a bread stick.

"Yeah that's her ex-boyfriend why?" She asked worried.

"What was he like with Natalie?" I continued.

"Well he was always a really funny guy and he always treated Natalie right- Wait. She's not with him tonight is she?" Sydney asked suddenly beginning to panic.

"Yeah why?" I asked worried.

"Are you kidding me?! Why would you let her go with him?! The main reason why they broke up is because she wouldn't sleep with him no matter what he did. He was all charming at first but then we realised that he only had one thing on his mind. You have to go find her right now." Sydney explained standing up and rushing out and following me to my car.


Natalie's POV

The mixer was chaotic, and exactly what I'd expect a mixer to be like. Tyler took care of me knowing how crazy people would get, which reminded me a lot of when Jai took me to the Tyler we know's party the day we met, first kissed and when he asked me out on a date.

"Here." He smiled as he handed me a shot glass. He held his up and we clinked glasses before taking a shot.

7 rounds later and I had no idea what the heck was going on. Everything was sometimes blurry, the room did a few twirls every so often, I almost threw up a few billion times, I tripped over a couple hundred times and began hallucinating. But other than that I was fine.

"You look like shit! Here come upstairs and relax for a bit!" He shouted over the music. I nodded and he pulled me upstairs and into one of the empty dorm rooms.

I sat on the bed as he went into the bathroom to get me a glass of water. He handed me the cup and I slowly began to relax as the water went through my body. I put the cup on the bedside table and turned to Tyler.

"Thanks." I smiled and he winked, knowing how crazy that used to drive me. I giggled and fet the heat rush to my cheeks as we stared into each other's eyes.

Before I knew it our lips were moving in sync as he slowly slipped his tongue into my mouth. I suddenly realised what was happened and pushed him back.

"Forget about him." He whispered.

"What? This is wrong. I can't cheat on Jai!" I exclaimed.

"It's ok. It's just me and you." He whispered as he pushed me back onto the bed and hovered above me.

"Tyler stop. I'm serious." I tried pushing him off me but he was too strong. Working out as usual.

"Fuck. This is why we broke up. It's just sex!" He shouted as he knocked over the glass and a few other things onto the ground.

"Tyler! I was 16! And now I'm engaged! It's not happening! I'm leaving!" I shouted. Just as I stood up he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back onto the bed.

"Tyler!" I screamed as he began to take his shirt off.

"Just once." He whispered as he gave me a peck on the lips. He ripped off my dress and took off his pants as I tried pushing him off of me.

Just as he was attempting to kiss me again the door burst open and the one person I needed the most ran in and ripped Tyler off of me.

He threw him to the ground and punched him square in the face several times making a bloody mess everywhere. Tyler fought back pretty well, but nothing could stop Jai when he was in protection mode.

Tyler lay on the floor dazed as Jai came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He hlped me put my dress on before holding me tight and calming me down.

Sydney ran into the room and forze in the doorway. She walked over to where Tyler lay and spat on him before walking over to me and giving me a tight hug.

As much as I loved Sydney and felt super safe around her, I felt safest in Jai's arms. Sydney could tell that I needed to be with Jai from my shaking increasing after I let go of Jai.

"I'm gonna go find security." Sydney told Jai and I before walking out.

Jai held me super tight and kissed me on the forehead. I knew he wanted to ask me if I was ok but he was scared. I knew what his questions were and answered them without him having to ask.

"I'm ok. He didn't do anything except kiss me." I whispered and he hushed me.

"Don't say anything. Just relax first. I'm here with you now. He won't be able to go Monash anymore so you'll be safe." He reassured me.


Natalie's POV

"Natalie!" I heard Jai scream again. I ran down the dark alley looking for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Jai! Jai where are you?" I called out to him. I kept running, searching frantically for him.

"Natalie stay away! They'll find you!" He screamed back. His voice sounded much closer. I kept running and turned a corner until I saw him tied up and covered in blood and dirt.

"Jai!" I exclaimed as I ran up to him. Just before I got to him I felt a pair of strong, cold arms grab me and pull me away.

I wriggled out of his arms and ran back to Jai.

"Natalie go!" He shouted.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" I shouted back before pressing my lips onto his.

We both knew this would be the last kiss we would ever share but there was no way we would admit it.

When we finally pulled away we were both drenched in tears.

"I'm not leaving you." I whispered and kissed him again. As our lips moved in sync I heard a gun shot and felt the bullet whiz right past me. I pulled away to see Jai bleeding heavily from his chest.

"Natalie. I love you. Never forget that." He forced the words out.

"Jai don't say that! Listen to me! You're gonna be fine!" I cried untying the rope around his hands. Once they were free he wrapped his arms around me and we both feel to the ground.

"Jai you're gonna be fine ok." I forced him a smile.

"I love you so much Natalie." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I whispered back before I heard another gun shot go off.

I jolted upright and felt a huge wave of relief rush over me. The dream seems so real every time I have it.

I quietly got out of bed, put on my robe and slippers and walked into the kitchen where I made myself some chamomile. It's been the same dream every time I go to sleep.

The dream worries me because every time I have it even the tiniest details are always the same, which makes think that it could mean something. Like a sign of some sort.

"Same dream?" A familiar husky voice asked from behind me.

"Yeah." I sighed as Jai wrapped his arms around me form behind, rested his head on my shoulder and pecked my cheek.

It's amazing how my worries and fears can just wash away by his touch. Even though I've only ever loved Jai, I know in my heart that this is really what true love is.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now