Model potential

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"Girls! Dinner!" Mum shouted from the kitchen. I put my text books away and ran into the dining room. I was starving.

"Here. Test." Dad ordered holding a spoon. I took a sip and swollowed.

"Good. But why do we always have to test?" I asked.

"Because if it's deadly then your mum and I will know not to eat it." He stated matter-of-factly. He gave some to Sydney to test aswell.

But she was a much tougher critic than me. In a joking kind of way.

"Eatable. Could use some more salt and maybe a few more minutes of boiling though." She smiled trying to keep a straight face.

"Ok one, It's edible. And two, Shut up!" Mum laughed hitting Sydney across the head.

"Bitch!" Sydney exclaimed. We all started laughing, then sat down at the table.

Dad was cooking tonight. He was a really good cook, but very lazy, so he only cooked like once a week.
Tonight he had made italian minestrone. One of mine and Syndey's favorites.

"Ok girls. So tomorrow, you're not going to school-" Mum began.

"Yes!" Sydney and I exclaimed high fiving each other.

"Idiots." She muttered.

"Look who's talking." I muttered but loud enough so she could hear.

"Bitch! Anyway! Tomorrow we're all gonna go down to Sizzler, then over to Highpoint so we can spend some time with each other. I'm assuming, considering you always do, that you have plans for this weekend. So i thought it would be best to go on a school day considering you couldn't care less. What do you think?" Mum asked.

"Sounds good." Sydney nodded her head.

"Mhm." I agreed through another mouthful of minestrone.


"Girls! Hurry up!" Mum shouted form inside.

I quickly grabbed my handbag and ran into the loungeroom. I sat on the couch and checked my Twitter while i waited for Sydney.

I had gained 300 more followers and was being asked for a lot of follow backs. Wierd. Then i found a tweet.

'You stupid bitch. Who the fuck do you think you are playing around with my husband!? Burn in hell slut!'

I recieved heaps more tweets like that. What the hell?

I ran into Syndey's room and found her sitting on her bed playing with her phone. She looked up at me and looked hurt.

"You saw?" I asked sitting down next to her. She nodded her head and locked her phone.

"Well. Hate has never gotten to us before. And we've gotten heaps of it before. Let's just go and hopefully this will all die down soon." I advised. We got our stuff and headed out to the car.

"About time! I thought i was gonna have to start blaring One Direction to get you guys out here." Mum laughed. Sydney plugged in her phone to the car stereo and started playing our favorite songs. From Reece Mastic, to One Direction, to Justin Bieber, to NeverShoutNever.

We walked into Sizzler and all the familiar smells washed over me like a huge wave. We haven't been here in ages. We got  seated then Sydney and I walked all around the place grabbing anything and everything that looked edible.

We sat back down and stuffed our faces. Mum was laughing at us and calling us pigs.

"Got that right. Stupid bitches." Some girl sitting at the table next to us called out.

"Excuse me?" I stood up.

"All i'm saying is hands off the boys. Or you'll be getting it big time." She smiled a fake smile. Mum turned to look at us with a confused look on her face.

"We've been hanging out with the Janoskians lately. Obviously we're not allowed!" Syndey shouted at the end getting worked up.

"Well you girls are allowed to hang out with anyone you want." Mum began. Then she turned to that girl.

"And if some stupid little bitch has something to say about that, then it's her fucking problem. Back off cupcake." Mum warned the girl.

We finished up at Sizzler and headed over to Highpoint. We shopped for a while and it was really nice. We haven't really spent much time with each other lately. And i love my family.

As we walked out of Valley Girl wearing our new outfits mum stopped at a modelling stand. She was talking to the guy there and he came over to Sydney and I. He looked at the way we were standing, walked around us, got us to spin around a few times, then stopped in front of us and smiled.

"My my my. You two are model potential. Come with me. We'll do a few test shots." He gestured towards the stand. He gave us costumes and we went into Valley Girl to get changed. We came out and saw how awesome we looked. We walked back to the stand and we did individual photoshoots.

I was dressed as an angel and Sydney was dressed as a devil ( It was so much fun.

"Oh my goodness. I'm going to send these through to my boss and i will get back to you. But may i say, you two are beautiful. I can see a modelling contract coming your way." He smiled giving us kisses on the cheek as mum filled in some forms.

We walked away shocked.

Sydney and I? Models? Wow.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now