Victoria's Secret

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Natalie's POV

Drita called me up the other day saying that she was doing the make up for the models of this year's Victoria's Secret fashion show and that they needed another model. Of course I accepted and was told to bring Lady with me as well as she was on the runway with me.

I saw Drita waiting for me outside the venue. She saw me and ran up to me.

"Natalie!" She called out with her arms wide.

"Drita!" I called back to her in an Albanian accent. She laughed and englufed me in a huge hug before giving we gave each other quick kisses on the cheek.

She pulled me inside and took me backstage where the rest of the girls were as well. She introduced me to the new Mob Wives as well. Ramona came up to me first. Ramona and Drita used to be arch enemies until recently when they became super close.

"My gosh Drita! You told me she was pretty but you didn't tell me she was a goddess!" Ramona shouted and we all laughed. She gave me a big hug and gave me quick kisses on the cheek.

Big Ang was next. She was the funniest woman I had ever met.

"My baby! You are so gorgeous! Do you have a boyfriend?" She winked and we all laughed.

"Yeah she's got a man. They've been dating for like what? Six or seven months now?" Karen explained.

Ramona walked back over to me and grabbed my left hand and examined it before facing me again.

"Natalie? Why isn't there a giant, million dollar rock on this finger?" She asked refering to my marriage finger.

"Apparently he's working on it." I shrugged rolling my eyes. Carla came over and handed me my costume ( ).

"Well you get to keep this after the show so after tonight you'll get the ring." Carla winked and we all laughed.

"Oh gosh Carla! The poor boy's gonna be running to the jewellers after he sees her in her costume!" Renee shouted and we all laughed again.


As Drita did my make-up and Ramona did my hair, Carla and Big Ang were pampering up Lady for the show.

Karen was running relaxtion exercises with me as she knew I was super nervous and Renee was adding some finishing touches to my costume. Within half an hour Lady and I were both set for the show.

We came out from behind the curtain to show the girls and ran a mini last minute rehearsal. When we finished I turned to the girls.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh baby! You look so sexy!" Big Ang exclaimed.

"Damn girl. You're making me feel threatened." Ramona winked.

"You look amazing. Now go line up so we can show you off to Jai and the rest of the world so you can get a big sparkly rock on that finger of yours." Renee rushed me towards the line of models.

"Don't be nervous. You look stunning." Drita smiled. The girls all gave me a quick hug and kiss before the show began.


I was model number 127 so I was waiting in line for quite a bit. When it was finally my turn all my nerves immediately washed away and I was a super model.

With Lady by my side I strut my stuff down the beautiful gold glitter covered runway. It was such a rush being on that runway that I never wanted to leave. I finally reached the end of the runway and I did my pose I saw Jai in crowd cheering for me.

I glanced at him quickly and winked before turning around and walking back down the runway and backstage. The crew of the show gave me a thumbs up and even Roy Raymond, the man who founded Victoria's Secret gave me a pat on the back and smiled at me.

I ran up to the girls who attacked me with hug and kisses and who couldn't stop talking about it.

"You were so awesome!" Drita exclaimed.

"You did an amazing job." Carla smiled as she squeezed my shoulder.

"Good luck tonight with Jai." Karen winked and we all laughed.

"What is with everyone's obsession with mine and Jai's love life and with me getting engaged?" I laughed. I should've never said that. They ended up taking 10 years to explain to me about how amazing I am and how Jai would eb stupid not to marry me and how they were gonna get the boys onto him if he ever hurts me.

After all that I picked up Lady even though she had grown up so much and gave me a tight hug and lots of kisses and pats and treats.


Jai's POV

She looked so... Oh my god... I can't even. When all the models were on the runway for the finale I didn't notice any of them but her.

After the show I waited for her outside the venue. I hid around the corner until I saw her walk out and begin looking from side to side for me. I snuck up behind her and covered her eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" I whispered.

"An extremely hot guy?" She replied before turning around and looking disappointed.

"Oh well. You'll do." She winked and we both laughed.

"You look so god damn sexy on that runway." I whispered when our faces were inches apart. Her cheeks turned bright red and I pressed my lips onto hers.

Our lips moved in sync as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I cupped her face as I licked her bottom lip asking for entry. She immediately granted me entrance and our tongues danced around each other giving me the same sparks as the first time we kissed.

Just as our kiss become more passionate she pulled away.

"Save it for tonight." She whispered and I growled.


The whole drive back to the hotel was silent except for Natalie failing at trying to contain her laughter. I couldn't believe she teased me like that. I sped to the hoteland dragged her up the stairs. She couldn't stop laughing as I couldn't unlock our door.

As soon as I opened it Lady ran into the room and I slammed the door shut and pulled Natalie onto me. She pulled back and held up a finger indicating for me to wait. I groaned and she laughed as she went into the bathroom.

She back out a minute later wearing the costume she wore for the show. What a tease. I gave her a loud wolf whistle and she laughed as I pulled her close to me.

Her lips lingered on mine and she teased me as much as possible before I couldn't take it anymore and just took complete control.

She was definetely the one for me and I was going to make sure that we stayed together forever.

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