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Jasmine's POV

"Dad why?!" I shouted.

"Because I don't want you hanging around with some street filth!" He snapped.

"He's not some street filth! You know just because you stopped loving mum doesn't mean I can't love someone too!" I screamed back before racing upstairs and slamming my door.

I picked up my phone and rang Daniel. After a few rings he finally answered.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Daniel, my dad's not letting me leave the house. I can't go anywhere."

"I think you can."

"What do you mean? Daniel, what are you up to?"

"Just stay in your room. When I text you go out onto your balcony and climb down. He can't keep us away from each other forever."

"You are so bad! But what if it doesn't work?"

"Jasmine, trust me on this one. Come on, I need to see you tonight."

"Fine. I'll see you soon. Bye."

"See ya." I hung up and got dressed. I've never been so daring in my life. But when i'm with him, I feel unstoppable.


My phone vibrated and I knew it was Daniel.

Daniel ;)

I'm here. <3

I laughed at the love heart and opened up my balcony door. I saw Daniel standing next to the tree under my balcony. I climbed over the railing and then onto the tree and down onto the ground.

"You look like a pro." He laughed. I covered his mouth so he could be quiet but he took my hand away and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Where are we going?" I aksed as we walked towards his car. He just winked at me as we drove off. When we were far enough from my house Daniel turned up the music. He was playing Eminem.

"As if you're into Eminem!" I exclaimed.

"What? You don't like him?" He asked confused.

"Are you kidding me?! I love Eminem! Eminem, Dre, Snoop, Biggie, Lil Wayne, Lil Kim, the works." I went on.

"You just get better and better don't you?" Daniel laughed.

"Daniel where are we going?" I giggled becoming impatient. I was not the best person to plan surprises for.

"I'm not telling you and call me Skip." He smiled.


We pulled up to a freaky looking house. It was old and destroyed and honestly scared the crap out of me.

"You've brought me to a haunted house? What? Are you trying to impress me by taking me to a haunted house and then making up some ghost story, taking me inside and acting like some mucho man? Nice try Skip. You're on your own." I laughed turning back around towards the car.

"It's not a haunted house. It's old, but it's not haunted, not that I know anyway. I have something in there. A surprise for you. Come on. Trust me." He begged.

"You promise there's no catch?" I asked unsure.

"I promise." He smiled holding out his hand. I sighed but grabbed his hand and we walked towards the house.

The house was old, but it was beautiful. We walked in and there were candles and rose petals everywhere. The rose petals and candles were set up like a pathway which led into the dining room. We both sat down and pulled off the metal covers from our plates. We were served lobster with vegetables. How did he know that this was my favorite meal?

"Daniel... This is... So beautiful and romantic..." I gasped.

"I'm glad you like it. This was my grandparent's house. It took me and the boys a while to set this up. Beau wouldn't stop giving me shit about how cheesy all this was." He laughed.

"Yeah, well, that's Beau I guess." I agreed. We began eating and talking about our interests. I thought I was the only person who still listened to Biggie and Dre and all that. I never thought i'd find someone who I had so much in common with. Especially a guy. Especially a guy who found me and took in an interest in me and is Daniel Sahyounie.


We were sitting on the couch eating waffles with heaps of different toppings when I turned to him.

"Daniel, can I ask you something?" I began.

"Anything, shoot." He replied.

"Why have you chosen me out of all girls? What makes me so special?" I asked.

"Wow. You really know how to make people think. Ever thought of being a teacher?" He laughed.

"No I haven't, now stop trying to change the subject and answer my question." I laughed hitting his arm. He thoguth for a while before looking into my eyes.

"Because as soon as I saw you I just had to have you. I know what I want and I don't stop till I get it. I wanted you because you're beautiful, talented, smart, funny, got great taste in things. You're just amazing. And not only did I want you, but at that moment I needed you. And I need you now. And hopefully i've got you now." He admitted looking deep into my eyes.

"Daniel.. That's he sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me." I admitted feeling ears well up in my eyes. He put his hands on my face and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. Before I knew it our lips we crahsed onto each and moving in perfect sync. He pushed more forward and I could feel his kiss getting hungrier. He tongue slowly crept into my mouth and danced around mine. We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes in the comforting silence that surrounded us.

We talked for a while longer. He told me about how his parents are still paying off this place and when he turns 18 he's going to buy it and restore it. I told him about how i'm being forced to go to university after I finish school and study medical. My parents want me to be a doctor. I told him about how i've been planning to leave home ever since I was 12.

"I have an idea." He prompted.

"Go on..." I laughed.

"Well.. Our birthdays are like 2 weeks apart. I say when we're both 18 we move in here. I mean it's a huge house. My parents are giving it to me anyway and you wanna leave home." He suggested. I sat there in complete shock.

"I don't know. I mean I definetly love it, but it won't be easy for me to leave and how are we going to put this place together?" I apointed out.

"People are working on the place now. I reckon by November this place will be ours." He explained. I sat back and thought about it for a while before I turned to him.

"Let's do it." I smiled. A huge smile broke onto his face and he pulled me in for a tight hug.


I pulled apart from our long kiss and jumped out of his car and ran to the tree below my balcony. I climbed up the tree and over the balcony railing and waved goodbye as he drove off. I walked into my room and shut the balcony door when my light turned on. I jumped and turned around to see my dad standing there with his nostrils flaring.

"You are a disgrace!" He spat in disgust and approached me. I stood there in silence and dared not to look in his eyes. I knew what was coming.

He held out his hand and hit me hard in the face multiple times while he swore at me and pushed me around before walking out of my room. I lay down on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

As soon as I get the chance, i'm out of here. For good.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now