VCE finals

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Natalie's POV

I was sitting next to Jai in homeroom. My heart racing. As soon as that bell rings I'll have to be in the library taking my VCE final exams. I was petrified.

"Natalie. You'll do fine. Trust me. You've studied as much as you could." Jai whispered trying to reassure me. I nodded and smiled slightly ashe grabbed my hand and held it in his.

The bell rang and I gasped. As we walked out of the class Jai pulled me aside.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Not really. I'm mean all my hard work in school and stuff had led up to this. I seriously can't fail. If I do fail I don't know what i'm gonna do." I stuttered. He stroked my face and smiled.

"You just need to relax. You obviously don't handle things to well under pressure." He laughed.

"And how am I supposed to relax in the next 5 minutes?" I pointed out. He smirked at me.

"Like this." He whispered before leaning in for a very passionate kiss. As our lips moved in sync I could feel all my worries mellting away. All the stress about failing dissapeared. Jai had that affect on me. I felt so safe and and strong when I was with him. Especially when I was kissing him.

We eventually pulled away and I could feel myself blushing.

"Better?" He whispered.

"Maybe." I winked. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and was still holding my hand as we walked off in our seperate directions. I held out my hand even though he was too far away and so did he. We both laughed and walked off.


"No gum. No phones. No food. No drinks except water in a water bottle. No leaving your seat. No passing notes. No talking. No pressure." Mrs Bryan put on a fake smile at the end as she explained the rules.

We all watched the clock carefully. Once the seconds hand hit the 12 the mini bell rang and we be began. The first exam was english. Thank god.

I flew through the exam with ease. There were 50 questions, 3 reading assessments, an essay and a story. I got stuck on a word a few times here and there but besides that I felt I did great. Maybe not perfect, but pretty close to it.

The rest of the exams weren't so easy. After english I had history, maths, science, french, law and biology. I struggled the most with the maths exam. I've always hated maths, and maths has always hated me.


I walked outside feeling so much more relaxed. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me around the corner of the building where no one could see us. He smashed his lips onto mine and it felt like heaven. It was exactly what I needed.

"How did you do?" Jai asked.

"Uh... Pretty good. I think. I know I aced english and the others, but the maths i'm kinda worried about. And to get into law you need to get at least a 98% on everything." I sighed.

"Well then you'll have a problem cause you're getting 100% on everything." Jai laughed and I hit his arm.

"How did yours go?" I asked.

"Well, I think I did alright." He smiled. I could see that he was a bit worried about his results too.

"Come on. I'm starving." He groaned pulling me towards his car. We got in drove off to Hungry Jack's.


After eating we went over to his place where we were home alone. We walked in and he pulled me towards his room. He shut the door and lay on the bed and pulled me on top of him. I giggled and he kissed my nose.

He lay on his bed with my in his arms and he checked his Twitter and Tumblr. He searched up Natalie and Jai and there was more hate than we thought. People saying they would've made sure I didn't survive the beating and that Jai shouldn't be dating an emo cutter.

He turned to face me to see if I was ok and I smiled. Hate doesn't really get to me much and he knows that. But just in case, he still checks.

"Wanna just have a lazy day?" He suggested.

"Ugh. Yes please." I begged and he laughed.

We watched a few movies and pigged out on snacks the rest of the night.


Jai's POV

Natalie was resting her head on my shoulder while we were watching our fifth movie for the night. The Craft. Natalie's choice. Of course.

Half way through the movie I turned to face her and noticed she was asleep. It was really cute. I stopped the movie and picked her up bridal style and carried her to my bed, putting the blanket over her without waking her up.

I looked at the time. 11PM. I wonder where the boys were. I decided to sleep on it and lay in bed with Natalie.


"SLUTS!: Beau screamed out.

"Fuck you Beau." Natalie groaned. I opened my eyes, threw a pillow at Beau and kissed Natalie on the cheek.

"You guys are trending on second in the world on Twitter!" Luke called out as he walked past the room.

"What? Why?" I asked. Beau handed me his phone showing a photo of Natalie and I sleeping. I had her my arm around her waist and it was really cute. Beau is such a sneaky little shit.

"Beau you're so annoying." I groaned.

"Oh come on! It's cute." He laughed walking out of the room. Natalie started laughing and shook her head. I turned to face her.

"Morning gorgeous." I smiled.

"Morning." She smiled back. I stared into her warm brown eyes and couldn't look at away. Suddenly a heard a click and looked up to see that Beau had taken another picture.

"I'm gonna kill you Beau! Piss off!" I shouted chasing him down the hallway into the lounge. Luke and mum were sitting on the couch laughing and Natalie joined them. Beau and I tackled each other to the ground laughing.

"Boys. No trips to the hospital today. Limit yourselves to our first aid kit." Mum laughed.

Beau and I kept fighting for a bit until Luke and Natalie jumped on top of us.

"Luke you've got a fat ass!" Beau shouted and we laughed. Natalie and Luke got off and Beau and I stood up. We hugged each other and began fake crying.

"I'm sorry bro. I love you." I fake sobbed.

"I love you too bro. I'm sorry too." Beau joined in.

"Oh my god you guys are idiots." Natalie laughed throwing a pillow at us. We all jumped and sat on the couch and began watching re-runs of The O.C.

I pulled Natalie onto my lap and she rested her head on my shoulder. I loved having her in my arms. It felt so right.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя