I can't live without you

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Jai's POV

"Jai?" A familiar voice whispered. I opened my eyes and the sunlight poured through the window. I must've slept here all night. I turned to look at Natalie and she was awake.

"Hey baby. How do you feel?" I asked sitting up properly.

"I'm in a lot of pain." She admitted. She tried to sit up but winced at the pain.

"Here. I'll help you." I whispered as I put my hand behind her head and slowly lifted her up.

"Did you stay here all night?" She asked.

"I couldn't leave." I sighed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me close to her. Our lips almost touching. I was about to kiss her when I stopped myself. I pulled back and sat back down on the chair.

"I can't do this." I mumbled.

"What?" She gasped.

"Natalie. Those were my fans who hurt you. I wasn't able to protect you from them the way I should've. Natalie I can't stand to see you like this. I think we should break up." I managed to spit out.

I didn't look at her in the eyes, but when I finally did she was staring out the window with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Natalie please don't-" I began as I stood up to wipe her tears away before she held up her hand for me to stop.

"Don't Jai. Just leave it." She whispered still staring out the window.

"Natalie-" I kept trying to speak before pointed towards the door.

"Please get out." She whispered. I stood there doing nothing before I finally walked out the door.


Natalie's POV

It's been a week since I got out of the hospital. Jai and I haven't spoken since. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't smile, I can barely breathe. How did I live before I met him? How was I even functioning before we knew each other? I guess I never was.

"Natalie. Please eat something. I don't wanna be on some lame documentary talking about my anorexic sister. Here, just a bite." Sydney pleaded shoving noodles in my face. I shook my head and kept staring at my TV screen. 

I've been doing nothing but watching soap operas all week in bed. My heart ached for him. I couldn't believe he would do that to me. After everything he's just gone. I understand why he did it, but I thought we were in this together. God I hate love.

"Ok. That's it." Sydney snapped slamming the bowl off noodles on my bedside table and snatching the remote out of my hand and turning off my TV.

"Natalie. You're a mess. And I know Jai is too. But he only did it to protect you. Trust me, he isn't happy with what he did but he didn't wanna just sit around and watch you get hurt. He really does love you though." Sydney explained.

"I know Syd. And trust me, I want him back, but he thinks it's too dangerous for us to be together." I pointed out. We sat there in silence for a while before Sydney got up and went into her room.


Sydney's POV

I closed my door, picked up my phone and immediately rang Luke.

"Hey Syd. What's up?"

"You know the plan we came up with? Well we're going it. Right now."

"She's a mess isn't she?"

"You have no idea. Lying in bed all week watching shit soap operas. She hasn't eaten, slept, barely spoken. How about Jai?"

"All he's done all week is gone to the gym. Besides that he won't eat, sleep, tweet, nothing."

"They need each other. This can't go on any longer."

"I'll call the boys, you call the girls and we'll start."

"Deal. See ya. Love you."

"Love you too. Later." I hung up and began the plan. Natalie and Jai needed each other. And we were determined to get them back together.


Natalie's POV

Sydney has somehow managed to convince me to go out to dinner with the group.

I had a long shower considering all i've done all week is stayed in bed crying. I put on ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-set/BQcDAAAAAwoDanBnAAAABC5vdXQKFld1NDZTTW14UkhLblF3MERIUGU1eGcAAAACaWQKAXgAAAAEc2l6ZQ.jpg ), brushed my teeth, curled my hair and did my usual make-up.

I walked out into the kitchen and grabbed Lady's food can and poured it into her bowl. As soon as I had poured it she came running in and sat down in front of her bowl. I smiled and patted her on the head.

"Eat." I commanded and she dug in. She had finished puppy school and was really well trained now. I had a special connection with her. She was a special dog.

I walked into Sydney's room and she was just finishing up her make-up. She was wearing ( http://media-cache0.pinterest.com/upload/14777504998309259_IA05Q8PY_b.jpg ).

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and we got in my car and drove off to the restaurant.

While we were driving I wondered if Jai was going. Part of me wanted him to go and another part of me didn't want to see him.

I had a strange feeling about tonight. Everything seemed kind of planned out. Was the group up to something? Oh god help us all if they are. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now