Awkward couple situations

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Penola was closed for a few days because a science experiement gone wrong. The whole school had to evacuated and we were sent home until further notice. So the boys decided to make a new video since we had so much spare time on our hands. They invited Sydney and I over to help them and they told us that we had to be in the video, but they wouldn't tell us what the video was going to be.

We walked up to the front door and knocked. Within a second Beau opened up the door and pulled us into a huge bear.

"Hello to you too." I laughed.

"Welcome to the dark side." Beau said in deep voice.

We laughed and walked inside and I headed towards Jai and Luke's room while Sydney headed into the lounge. I walked into the wins room and found Jai sitting on his bed on his laptop. He looked up from the screen and smiled.

"Hey there gorgeous." He smiled getting up to kiss me.

"Hi. So what's the video gonna be about?" I asked.

"The fun is in the surprise." He whispered pulling me into the lounge. We sat down on the couch and put in Mean Girls until Daniel and James arrived. Beau went into the kitchen to get us some snacks while Daniel explained what was going to happen today.

"Alright. So today we wanna do awkward couple situations. Like we can have Sydney for example, pretending to find Jai cheating on her with her cousin Natalie and just random shit like that. Sound good?" Skip proposed.

We all agreed then watched the rest of Mean Girls, ate all the snacks Beau brought out and planned out some scenarios. After we were done we decided that Skip would drive Beau's car and Beau would drive Gina's car, and with that we headed out.

Skip and James were in one car and the rest of us were in the other.

"Where are we going to film?" Syndey asked.

"St Kilda." Beau replied before rolling down his window to let Daniel know where we were going.

"Oi Skip! St Kilda!" Beau called out the window to Skip as we passed him. He nodded and we headed off.


We got to St Kilda and walked over to the beach and got in our positions. We were doing Skip's first idea. Jai and I were walking hand in hand along the water and Sydney came running up to us right when we were kissing and started screaming.

"YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME?!" She shrieked.

"Baby it's not what it looks like." Jai pleaded.

"AND WITH MY COUSIN!" She screamed even louder causing people to turn their heads and stare at us in horror.

We did heas more scenarios where someone was caught cheating, then we had Beau and Skip act like a gay couple but Beau admitted that he likes girls now and not guys. Then we had us pretend to argue with each other in shops over what's best for the baby.

After we had enough footage we decided to spend the rest of the day at the beach. We got Hungry Jacks and had a picnic on the sand. It was about 6 so we decided to play a game of dare or dare. It was James' turn first.

"James. I dare you... to..."Skip began, looking around us trying to find something James could do to amuse us.

"I dare you to eat that seaweed or whatever the fuck that is." Skip laughed. James moaned out of annoyance but got and picked up the "seaweed" and took a bite.

"Ew! Yuck! That's fucking disgusting!" James shouted throwing it into the water and sitting back down but occasionaly spitting to the side.

"Ok Beau. Dare or Dare?" Luke asked.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن