I'm pregnant

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Beau's POV

Daniel and I are both moving out of our family homes into new homes with our girlfriends. Well, his girlfriend and my fiance. But separate girls, not the same girl. We're close friends but not that close friends. Well maybe we are... No! I'm a freak!

"Beau, your brothers need help with the last few boxes!" Alli called out from the lounge. She was in love with this house.

"Alright! Thanks babe!" I called back to her as I walked out the front door. I helped jai and Luke with the last few boxes and they helped me unpack them. Within another half an hour we had fixed up the hosue completely.

"Skip's?" I suggested.

"Beau we just finished with this house." Alli laughed.

"Yeah but Skip and Jasmine need some help." I pointed out. Jasmine didn't want to make a big deal out of her birthday this year so we got her a cake, some presents and took her clubbing. It was actually pretty good.

"Alright fine." Alli smiled and we all got in my car and drove over to Skip's new house.


I parked the car in the huge driveway and we all got out and immediately picked up some boxes and carried them in. When we walked in Daniel was shocked but then he just laughed. We put them in their rooms and went up to Daniel and Jasmine.

"Hey guys." I smiled giving them both a hug. As we emptied the boxes we brought in Natalie, Sarah and Sydney showed up. They walked into the house and Natalie ran up to Jai and leaped into his arms kissing him.

We laughed and continued unloading boxes and unpacking boxes. Within a couple of hours we were done with Daniel's house too. We all sat down in the lounge drinking beer and watching TV, or talking, or making out in Natalie and Jai's case.

My god those two don't stay away from each other. It's actually kinda cute.

"Hey Jas where's the bathroom?" Alli asked.

"Here I'll show you." Jasmine offered and they both stood up and walked off. Jasmine came back and sat down and then after a few minutes Alli came back as well but she didn't look too well.

She sat down next to me and I put my arm around her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered.

"We need to talk later." She whispered back. I began to get a bit worried.


Everyone had gone home and so had Alli and I. We walked into the house and I pulled Alli with me into the lounge room. We sat down on the couch and she looked petrified.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Beau, I have no idea how to say this so I'm just gonna say it." She began before taking a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." She announced. I sat there shocked as tears filled up in her eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked.

"You should see the look on your face. You obviously don't want a baby." She cried. I pulled her into my arms and laughed.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I want a baby! I'm just in shock that's all. But I'm gonna be a dad!" I cheered. She laughed and I wiped away her tears with my thumbs and kissed her forehead.

"We're gonna be parents." I whispered to her. I felt her shake a bit and I pulled back to look at her.

"I'm scared Beau." She admitted.

"Babe don't be scared. We're in this together ok? I'm not gonna let you go through this all alone. I'm gonna be a dad! You're gonna be a mum!" I pointed out and she laughed. We sat there for a but until she calmed down.

"Should we tell the group?" She asked.

"If you want a huge celebration." I laughed. She pulled out her phone and texted the group.


Within 10 minutes everyone was here and going crazy. Especially the girls. They were talking about genders and baby names and the baby's room and clothes and parenting. It was pretty entertaining.

"So you knocked her up huh?" James laughed as nudged me. I hit him in the stomach and we all laughed.

"I wish we knew it's gender. That way we could start the name wars." Natalie laughed.

"You should call it Sydney junior." Sydney suggested trying to hold a straight face.

"Babe, you know how much I love you, but I'm not naming our child Sydney Junior." Alli laughed patting Sydney on the shoulder. Sydney crossed her arms and put on a pouty face and we all laughed.

"Well normally you get an ultrasound done at 4 months." Sarah explained.

"So in one month the name wars will begin." Jasmine sighed shaking her head and we all laughed.

We continued talking about the baby and watching TV until we all got hungry and decided to order pizza. We ordered about 5 large pizzas and ate them all with ease. We were a big group. And a hungry one.

I was really excited about being a dad. And I know that Alli was excited about being a mum. I knew that we were both gonna be really great parents and that the group are gonna help out a lot aswell.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon