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Natalie's POV

I opened my eyes and my head ached and my stomach was doing cartwheels. I felt like crap. I got up and felt really dizzy. I realised I couldn't stand up or do anything so I got back into bed and grabbed my phone and rang Jai.

"Hey gorgeous."


"You sound like shit."

"I feel like shit."

"What's wrong?"

"Ugh. I've got a killer headache, my stomach is doing flips, i'm dizzy, i've got a blocked and runny nose and I have no energy and I miss you."

"You in bed?"


"I'm coming over."

"No Jai you don't have to. I'll be fine. I just missed your voice."

"Yeah but I can't just sit around while my girlfriend is sick in bed. I'll see you soon ok? I love you."

"Ok. I love you too." I hung up and smiled like an idiot. He would really do anything for me.


I was watching The Craft when my door burst open making me jump a foot in the air.

"Jesus christ Jai. You're gonna give me a heart attack." I laughed holding my hand to my heart. He laughed and came over and layed down next to me on my bed and kissed my forehead.

"Jai. You're gonna get sick." I pointed out.

"Like I care. I just wanna be with you." He smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder and we watched the rest of the movie together.

After a while of talking about witchcraft and stuff and me telling him about how I tried it for a long time and was obsessed with it and that it does work he picked up the bag he brought with him and pulled out a warm container with soup in it.

"Jai. Are you serious?" I laughed.

"Come on. Mum makes this for me when i'm sick and it seriously works. Come on. It's good." He pleaded. I laughed and gave in. He was spoon feeding me and it was adorable.

After I finished the whole container of the delicious soup I started feeling a bit better.

"So? How was it? How do you feel?" He asked smiling as if he already knew the answer.

"It was really good. And i'm starting to feel a bit better." I admitted. He laughed and hugged me tight and kissed my forehead.


It was about 8PMish and Jai didn't want to leave. Sydney and I were trying to convince him that i'll survive the night and Sydney and my parents were here but it wouldn't exactly help.

Eventually he gave in and kissed me on the forehead before going home. Sydney came into my room, closed my door and sat down on my bed looking like she was hiding something. She was trying to hide a huge smile.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"Natalie? What happened at your birthday party? Because I couldn't find neither you or Jai for a while." She winked.

"Oh god Sydney! Why?!" I laughed.

"So you did! I knew it! I just knew it!" She cheered, but a bit too loud. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down and covered her mouth.

"I don't exactly want the whole world to know Sydney." I whispered.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked laughing.

"No Sydney. I can assure you I am not pregnant. We always use protection you dumbass." I laughed hitting her arm. And then I knew how to get back at her.

"Hey Sydney. Skip's party. What did you do during the time where I couldn't find neither you or Luke." I imittated. She gave me an innocent smile and I knew what it meant. We both laughed and she layed down next to me. We both turned around facing each oher as she began playing wih my hair as per usual.

"Natalie I miss you." She sighed. I was a bit confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit unsure.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything but we haven't done anything lately just me and you. Remember when we used to sneak bottles and cans of alcohol and had to stash the empty ones in our draws?" She laughed and I laughed with her as I remembered it.

"Or the times when we used to go to the pools and we always read the clock wrong so we would get ready an hour or so early and when we were ready to leave we realised we early and couldn't be stuffed having to get changed again later so we walked around the pools and sometimes we found boys playing football and or little photoshoots where the sun was perfect and we were doing stupid poses but the pictures came out great?" I laughed at the memory and so did she.

We brought heaps more other memories before I finally turned to her.

"I miss you too Syd. How about after I get better, which shouldn't take too long with his magic soup and no not what you're thinking, we can have a spa day. We haven't had one of them in ages. Just me and you. Deal?" I suggested. She grinned widely before nodding and holding out her hand.

"Deal." She laughed as I shook her hand.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies, pigging out on our secret junk food stashes, drinking a bit and bringing up old memories. Sydney slept with me that night because we haven't done that in ages. We missed each other a lot.


Jai came over everyday for the next few days until I got better. He was so caring. Luckily he had a good immune system so he didn't catch the flu off of me. Thank god.

Sydney and I had booked an entire spa weekend at a really fancy place called Balinese Spa Retreat. We were super excited and had packed our bags a fews day earlier than we really needed to.

But we both knew it was gonna be heaps of fun.

Angels Cry - A Janoskian fan fiction (Watty Awards 2013)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu