Chapter 27

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Esme's POV

So it's graduation day and I'm done with my make up and I had already put my dress on.

So it's graduation day and I'm done with my make up and I had already put my dress on

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Esme's gown⬆️

It was a nude gown with gold details, it had a long sleeve and a v-neck. It was 90% traditional-10% sleek. I slipped my shoes on and headed to Danny's room where the girls had retreated to put on their clothes. We decided dressing up in Luciano's house would be better. I walked in and I noticed Danny's outfit first. It was to die for, and it was looking 80% traditional-20% classy. It had long sleeves too and had silver looking details. It had a v-neck that went all the way down to form an 'X'. Both sides of her waist were just net, no fabric and she looked really sexy.

 Both sides of her waist were just net, no fabric and she looked really sexy

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Danny's gown⬆️
"Esme wow" was all she could say as she marvelled at my gown. "Don't even start, you look amazing" i cooed before diverting my gaze to my bestie Alley. Her gown had sleeves and a v-neck with lace. It was 95% traditional-5% modern. Just as she looked up I decided to look away.

Alley's gown⬆️"Okay, aren't you going to compliment my gown? Clearly it's beautiful" she did look stunning but I wasn't going to say anything

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Alley's gown⬆️
"Okay, aren't you going to compliment my gown? Clearly it's beautiful" she did look stunning but I wasn't going to say anything. "At least you know you look stunning, so I won't say anything because you'll just say 'you're welcome' as always" she stared at me then decided to give a reply. "You said and I quote "you look stunning" which is still a compliment so you're welcome" oh my God I just want to smack her right now. Fania stood up from the bed and I was wowed. Her dress had floral details and a v-neck. An elbow length sleeve and it was 50% traditional-50% simple.

Fania's gown⬆️"Esme you look amazing" she started but I wasn't going to hold my comment any longer

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Fania's gown⬆️
"Esme you look amazing" she started but I wasn't going to hold my comment any longer. "Fania, that gown is breath taking, my gosh" she slipped on her shoes and winked a thank you. "Shall we go downstairs now? It's almost time" I asked and the girls nodded.

When we went downstairs Luciano and Stephan were talking. They noticed our appearance and cut their conversation short. Luciano didn't stop staring and Stephan kept eye fucking Alley. "You look beautiful orchid, I wish you could just spend today by my side, I'll know you're safe then" Luciano said holding my hands and looking all worried

"I'll be fine, it's just for a few hours, it's not like our prom is on the same day, it's just a month away. I'll be fine, you take care" I said before waving him bye.
Graduation was almost over and I decided to go use the toilet. I was walking in the hallways and I could sense that someone was walking behind me. I decided to act like it was nothing. After a minute of walking I was in front of the bathroom, I decided to give the person a surprise attack. I extended my claws and turned to claw the person's face

"Jack?!" I moved backwards trying to grasp something. "Why did you do that? And why are your nails so long" He asked clearly not knowing it's rude to stalk someone and also not knowing I already got my wolf. "Why were you following me? Don't you know that's rude and creepy?" I asked in return. "I was just trying to talk to you. Esme please I still want you in my life, Martha has been frustrating me non-stop and I've been thinking of rejecting her. Please just come back. I know you have a mate too, just reject him and we can be together. Besides I've noticed you smell different" is this nigga even listening to himself? Why would I want to reject Luciano for him? "I would never reject Luciano not for you or anybody else, quit pestering me, really, you're acting like a lunatic, an obsessed lunatic. Jack please can you just leave me alone. And how I smell is none of your business" after that he grabs a hold of me and I try to mind link Alley but she's not responding. Then I try Danny and she came through. "Danny, it's Jack. He's acting like a maniac and he was following me. He begged me to come back to him and he's currently holding me. Please tell Luciano"

"Okay, Fania and I are on the way, Alley is currently talking to her parents" she explains. "Let go of me Jack"

"Please, just come with me. We'll run away together" just then Fania and Alley's exes, Wilfred and Phillips emerge from the corners and grab a hold of my hands. By now Alley, Fania and Danny show up running and stop dead in their tracks when they notice what the boys were doing

"What the hell are you guys doing? You should leave or you'll be in big trouble" Alley yelled letting out a growl. "I don't take orders from brats" Jack stated.

Once I realized the guys were distracted I use my werewolf strength to break loose. Just then I get a whiff of a carnation scent from the end of the hallways. "He's here" I said to Jack as he furrows his brows in confusion. "Who's here" poor little Jack asked clearly clueless "My mate" Luciano shows up looking really angry.

"Where do you think you were trying to take my mate to?" He asks with a grin on his face. Jack is in big trouble.

Exams though 😪. Please vote and comment what you think❤️❤️

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