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Esme's POV

"You say what?" Alley said as Luciano and I explain everything to my friends who are now currently in my ward.

Our children are still with our parents, all of our kids. I figured I'd tell my friends before telling our parents. Alley was carrying her new born son, Ira and he looked like a mix of both Alley and Stephan and I was a bit stunned but why the hell not.

Luciano was carrying Edwina and I was holding Everest. "What's so shocking about what she just said, it happens" Luciano said.

"What's not so shocking. She basically said the baby healed her loose vagina, how in the hell is that possible?" Danny asked and looked towards my baby's direction

"And why the fuck did you not tell us this earlier, I don't get it, I thought we were family?" Fania chimed in

"Guys honestly, I'm telling the truth, as weird as it sounds, she did heal my loose vagina"

"I confirmed it myself" Luciano said out of the blue earning a glare from my friends, well except Alley who seemed awfully quiet and I only wondered why

"And you also said Edwina is a warrior wolf, last I heard they existed was in the 1800's. So how did she become a warrior wolf?"  Danny asked me yet again

"I'on know okay, I just know that we have two special wolves in the family and I'm sorry we kept this from you guys, its just that Enola warned me it'll alter their destinies, family members or not, trusted or not, it was hard for both of us, but we had to, just try to understand us, we're sorry" I said apologizing to my friends turned family.

Derek and Stephan came to my side to console me as I was near tears and James joined in afterwards.

"Its okay Esme, honestly, we get it. We just didn't think you'd ever keep anything from us" James started to say as he looked back to Danny "And c'mon babe, I thought Esme was your friend, you ought to understand cause we do"

"Yh, c'mon sugar, try to understand your friend, you know in a normal situation she'd tell you three but as you can clearly see the situation wasn't in her control" Derek said to Fania as he stroked my face, he's always treated me like a little sister.

My friends stare at me for a while and then at Luciano and then at our twin girls and then back at me making me also stare at my mate and he raised his shoulders up as if to say 'I'on know anymore babe' and I sighed lightly.

"Its alright, I forgive you, just don't keep anything from us again, or I'll break your face" Fania said as she went to collect Edwina from Luciano who sighed in relief and sat on the rocking chair as I watched her play with Edwina and she was chuckling.

"I forgive you too, but we've always been sisters, try to keep that in mind" she came over and kissed my cheek before going to play with Edwina

"Alley you're awfully quiet" I said as I watched as she and Stephan straighten up and Luciano looked quite confused as well.

"Bro, is there something you're not telling us?" Luciano asked as we exchanged glances at each other

"The thing is, my wolf told me something about my son too and said his fate was linked with your daugters' and that we would all find out when they turned 22. That was all she told me and she hasn't said anything to me since then and she told me to name him Ira. I'm sorry I kept this I just didn't know how else to react but to do as Nora had told me. I'm sorry." She said finally apologizing, and what she said got me thinking, what could baby Ira's fate be? How is it linked to our twin girls?

"Its okay, at least its all out now, we'll all be fine" Derek said and went to calm his sister down.

"Yeah, we're perfectly chill" Fania said and Danny nodded in agreement

"So what do we do now? What do all these mean?" James asked and Stephan nodded as if he was in agreement with James

"Honestly, I think we just wait and see" My mate said and I was kind of confused.

"Wait, 22 years? That will take a while, but what else can we do?"

"Go through history books, cause the name Ira sounds awfully too familiar to me, I'm certain I've seen it somewhere" Fania said as we all stare at her

"Really? It does?" My bestie asks and Danny nods. "Yeah, besides Fania always fascinated herself with werewolf information, anything about our kind intrigues this girl, she knows our pack's lore by heart and she mem..." Danny was talking when Fania cut her off

"Now I recall, back in the 1800's, there was once a special wolf called Ari when our pack's name was still the 'Vile Blood Pack' then our pack's name later changed to the 'Crescent Moon Pack' when we had our first war in the dark, under the crescent moon and still won. In the 1800's our pack was known to be frequent with wars, we were always at war and 96% of them we attained victory at. And it was said that at the time, Ari was a special wolf who was tight friends with other special wolves, and three of them helped the pack attain so many of those victories" she said, earning an impressed grin from both Luciano and Stephan.

"Yeah, and it was said that when the pack changed its name he changed his name as well, they all did but I don't really remember what special wolf he was or what he changed his name to" Danny chimed in

"Nice work ladies, looks like you really did do your homework" Luciano said clearly impressed

"Only the moon goddess knows what we're probably up against, but I'm sure whatever it is..." Alley starts to say and I politely cut her off

"We'll face it like a family" I said and she nodded in agreement.







I added this so everything would a bit clearer and you all would understand to know what to expect.
Thanks for your support, your votes, and comments, have a nice day or night!❤️❤️

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