Chapter 38

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Jefferson's POV

We approached their border gradually, somehow I felt everything was wrong, I couldn't help but feel something was up. "Are you okay?" Lara asked

"Yes, I am fine. Let's just focus"

We continued to march suddenly, I caught his scent. 'Luciano'. I ordered my rogues to halt and I stepped forward.

"Luciano, what a wonderful surprise. We we're just going to say hi, spill a little bit of blood maybe, but you know, just to say hi"

"Very funny Jefferson, I see you haven't changed one bit Lara, you still want to be the leading lady. You're only just his toy, you know that."

"Ohhhh shut up Luciano, you never deserved me, you left me for that incompetent girl"

"Shut it Lara" Jack said, he was always quick to do things.

"You should listen to him. You can never be half the woman my mate is ever. And you, Jack, you really do confuse me" Luciano had clarified

"Where is my brother?" I asked not giving Jack the chance to speak

"Ohhh that worthless fella, well. He's in my dungeon, my wolves are probably painting him with silver and decorating his head with Wolfsbane. He needs to look pretty for his brother, don't you think?"

Anger pulsed through me, I saw red, everywhere. I wanted to just kill him now but we still had a lot to discuss.
Esme's POV

I suited up and went to Danny's room to check on the girls. Luciano was probably addressing his wolves, and my girls here were all prepped up.

"Alrightttt, Esme didn't back out of the fight" Alley cheered

"Ohh shut up you" I teased. "Y'all got your guns? Your daggers? Your double daggers? Switch blades? Gloves? Everything?"

"Yes Esme, everything will be fine, we got this" Danny assured

"Look girls I'm just stressed, I want everything to be fine. Alley if we fail, they're not just gonna destroy our pack, they're also gonna go after our family. We've got to give this our all, every fucking thing we can give. I would die first before I let this fucker destroy my pack, I would die first before I let him hurt Luciano. That man means a lot to me and I swear that I'd fight till my last breath for him"

"We are proud to call you our fucking Luna" Danny said amidst tears whilst she hugged me

"I just love you" Alley my dumbass bestie said hugging me too

"Ohh shut it, you two are babies. But I do love you Esme" Fania joined in the hug

"Guys I have a plan, a strategy rather"

"Spill it" they said in unison

"So you know Jefferson has 500 in his army, he's making a 100 if them to take human form" I started

"100 divided by 25?" I asked to prove a point

"Ummm, four" they replied

"Luciano wants us in human form, if four of us each take on 25 of those guys, we'd definitely attain victory over them, and if that fucker brings his extra 100, we take them down and go after Lara. Luciano wants us to deal with Lara ourselves. We deal with the 100 and probably the extra 100 and we take the bitch. Torture her a little and keep her in silver shackles for fun later. Then we go for Jack, we're just gonna prep him for Luciano, Jefferson is for Luciano too. Now, Jefferson wants to send some rogues to surround us by sneaking them near the house. Then he wants to surround Luciano with 50 rogues. But we won't let him do that, if possible, we try to take those wolves out, good?"

"That's an amazing plan Esme"

"Thank you"

*Luciano:They're here orchid, I want you and the girls to come out*

*Esme:Okay, were ready*

"Luciano is calling for us, we need to move ladies"

With that we all headed for the exit, and hurried to the battle ground.
Luciano's POV

"So Jefferson, since you're not going to just leave, that means you really want a battle"

All I wanted to do was kill Jefferson, kill Jack and have the girls torture Lara. But I had to wait. Wait patiently for the right time to do that.

"I think something's a bit off though" Jefferson stated. He probably already realized I never asked of Esme. 'Who could have known he'd be that smart'

"What might that be? Are you chickening out already?"

"Ohh no, never, why do you have your wolves ready for battle? This was supposed to be a surprise attack" 'So I was wrong, tskk'

"We're just always prepared, ohh also my mate told me"

"What mate?" Jack asked

"Esme, memory loss?"

"Which Esme?"

"This Esme. Esmeralda Emily Calderon, at your service. Missed me?" My mate walked in an assassin suit that hugged her body well.

Surprise was so evident on their faces, this was a moment to be remembered.

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