Chapter 9

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Esme's POV

As we walked home, I narrated everything to my friends. Judging by the looks on their faces they were surprised, I can't blame them, so was I. We parted ways and I walked home on my own, I got to my backyard and took out the orchid from my bag... Yeah, I took it... I crouched down and planted it very close to the kitchen window.

I walked back to the front and went into the house. I was surprised to see mum, dad and Erianna holding a very beautiful red gown. It was the gown they had got me for my birthday on Thursday, it was absolutely stunning. I was completely wowed. I was speechless.

"Thank you so much mum, thanks Daddy" I began to appreciate them and they hugged me in return. I walked over to Erianna and asked about Ethan. "He went out for a run, he's really upset with himself for saying that to you. Please talk to him, he loves you" she pleaded with me. "Fine, I will, once he gets back tho. I'm just gonna go up to my room. I might not come out for dinner" I assured her before heading to my room to shower

I got out and got dressed into a comfortable jumpsuit and got into bed. ' maybe Ethan was right, maybe I might never even get my wolf ' I said to myself as tears streamed down my face. I eventually drifted off to sleep.
I woke up and I had a slight headache, I searched for my phone and realized it was 6:50. "Shit, how long did I sleep?" I ran into the bathroom and got dressed in the most comfortable clothing I could find. I rushed downstairs and decided to go look for my brother. I found him in the kitchen trying to make sandwiches. "Hey, good morning" I said softly; "good morning baby sis, did you sleep well?" "Yh I overslept even, did you?" I asked back staring at him. He looked different, he looked rather pale, as though he hasn't been sleeping well or something. "Yh I did. I made you sandwiches, I told Merida I'd handle it today, if you don't mind?" I have the sweetest big brother ever, this isn't even something he usually does, so sweet. "No no, I don't mind but umm, you're putting too much mayo and the chicken isn't really enough but I really appreciate your efforts though. It means a lot" I said trying to tease him

"Ohhh, I'll try to reduce the mayonnaise and I kinda finished the chicken and the bacon. Look Esme, I didn't mean what I said. I was really pissed you know, with the whole alpha thing and not finding my mate yet, it's depressing. But I'm sure you have a wolf, let's just say she's only just sleeping. You can't be an alpha's kid without a wolf, trust me.", That was the sweetest thing he had ever said to me. "Thanks bro, that meant a lot. I gotta go. And it's cool, I understand you, you'll find her don't worry. Bye" he waved back as I left the house
I got back from school and walked in with Alley; she came over with her dress and make up kit. I was going to have a slumber party with the girls, so we could prepare properly for I and Alley's birthday/mate finding celebration. It would take a day's work so I was expecting Danny and Fania in a few minutes.

"Good evening Luna, good evening Ethan" Alley greeted as she stepped in. She's basically like a sister to me so she's free to do whatever she wants in the house. "Hello my love, how are you?" My mum pecked her on her cheek. She and my mum get along so well, I'm even surprised most atimes. "Ohhh I'm good, how about you?" "I'm okay dear, and How are your parents?" "They're okay Aunt". I took Alley up to my room and she just slumped on my bed. Moments later Danny and Fania arrived and I introduced them to my mum; we had dinner together. Tomorrow is going to be a very big day

School has already been closed down, I'm the alpha's daughter; so 50% of the pack is obliged to help with the decor and other stuff. We haven't even sent out invites and Alley seemed to be chill about the whole situation. "Danny, Fania, How did you guys convince your parents" I wondered and decided to ask. "We just told them the truth", okay wow. "And they agreed?" They nodded, "okay cool, did you guys bring your make up kit and gowns?" They nodded again

"Cool, we've got work to do" I stated.

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