Chapter 2

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Esme's POV

I strolled through the corridor in search of my locker, as my locker was in sight so were my besties. They seemed to look rather gloomy. I hoped everything was okay. "Hey girls, why the long faces?", I queried; "Its Estefania and Alley" Danny started; "Wilfred and Phillips found their mates this morning and broke up with both of them on the spot". I'm so going to kill jack and his foolish friends; "Is that why both of you are down? Look, you'd both be finding your mates soon and luckily its not one of those scallywags. You're both better than this; cmon Alley, you know youre better than this. You too Fania. Remember we got each other and I love you guys", I said as I pulled them into a hug. "We love you too Esme". "But those dudes are not going to get out of this easily. Trust me". I suddenly remembered that Daniella and James were still together; "Danny what's going on with you and James. Will you guys break up".

"Honestly, I have a feeling we might end up being mates. I have faith, you know?". "If you say so Danny. C'mon, we got art class right now. You know how Professor White can be, plus we still got to deal with those scallywags later". We separated and I was telling Danny about Jack, she looked as surprised as alley when I told her about it; "so he's indirectly still hitting on you after finding and mating with Martha? Even after the break up?" she asked and I nodded "that's stuck up. The nerve of him". "I know right, I was irritated, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind" I said; "that's it girl, let him know you're not made for each other" she hyped. "Miss Everson, Miss Calderon, please take your seats"

"Sorry Professor White", we both said. He nodded in response; Danny and I spotted Alley and we took a seat beside her. "Hey bestie, when did you transfer to our art class?" ,I asked her; "I did just now, you're welcome". Danny and I rolled our eyes and all three of us chuckled. "Quiet ladies", Mr. White shushed us.

"Sorry professor White" we said in unison.

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