Chapter 48

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Esme's POV
11 years later

I stood close to my mate during the festivities, both my sons spending time with their cousins. Today is baby Irvin's birthday except he's no longer a baby. Today is his 11th birthday and my Best friend, who is also his mum seems pretty stressed out; I mean all the kids are running around and Alley isn't one to condone being stressed out but I can see she's holding herself together so her son can be happy.

Three years after birthing baby Edward I had another son, Edwin and now he's 8 whereas Edward was 11 a month ago. I'm currently 3 months pregnant and I'm 80% sure they're twin girls and since I conceived them, Enola has been pretty weird and she's refusing to say anything to me, and trust me I won't pressure her.

Almost a month after I had Edward, Alley had Irvin her son. 3 years later she had Irene her baby girl who is still 7 at the moment and now she's pregnant also, 3 months as well.

Danny and James had a beautiful set of twins, a boy named Barrette and a girl named Bennette and they'll be turning 10 in a few days. Three years later she had her baby girl Everette and a year ago she had her baby boy Emmette and he's starting to walk now he's grown so much and so fast, he had his first word after 7 months and we were all wowed honestly.

Fania on the other hand has a 9 year old Dalton teasing his cousin Irvin and I guess it's only fair since Alley used to tease Fania all those years ago and it's kind of cute to see both of them together. After Dalton, Fania had a set of twin girls, Peyton and Leighton and they're inseparable and identical.

Right now, the kids are playing and us parents are talking, catching on and reminiscing on old times together.

"I can't believe the moon goddess is punishing me by making Dalton tease Irvin, it's more cute than it is painful" Alley said.

"Is it even painful? Cause it should be" Danny, Fania and I said in unison and we all chuckled.

"Esme has Enola said anything to you yet?" Fania asked me and they all looked at me with pity and I pouted, embarrassed.

"Nope, Enola hasn't said a damn thing, and it's annoying cause it's starting to worry me and I hate seeing Esme like this" Luciano answers before I do.

"Don't worry, she'll say something soon. Have you heard from your brother?" Stephan asked after assuring me.

"Yeah, they're already in London and he also said Estralita slept during the entire journey but her brother kept frequenting the toilet to puke, he was feeling homesick." My brother and Erianna had a baby girls 3 years after Ezra, she is Eri's replica and she's so cute.

"You okay princess?" Luciano asks me. "Need a massage or something, you seem tense"

"Thanks babe, I'm fine but it's just, I can't help but worry how serious it could be that she kept it this long"

"Enola will come around babe, just calm down and give her time" he says back and I smile almost immediately she bothers me with her call from inside my head.

"Esme... I uhhh, I'd like to speak to uhhh, you and mate in private?" Sure I agreed and swooped Luciano to the far end of the birthday party.

"What is it orchid? Why'd you drag me like that? Is something wrong?" He asked making his concern evident.

"Relax, Enola just wants to talk to us. We could both mind link her?" I suggested and he approved

"Enola? Luciano and I are listening, what'd you want to tell us?" I said to let her know we're ready.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for keeping you in suspense about how I'm making you feel and why. It's about your pregnancy" she started and Luciano and I looked at each other

"What about it, Enola" I said sounding worried all of a sudden

"Relax, nothing's wrong with it" I relaxed like she told me to.

"It's just that, you know you're having twin girls right? Nothing is wrong with your baby girls, it's just that they have different fates, their duties to their packs are different and no one is supposed to find out until they are born." It's like she's speaking gibberish, Luciano couldn't say anything, all he did was stare at me.

"There are no serious dangers and your task is simple. One is to be a powerful warrior and the other a powerful healer. The one that comes out first is the one destined to be a powerful warrior and the one that comes out next is destined to be a powerful healer. Don't get it mixed up or twisted, and do not tell anyone, trusted or not. Got it?" And with that she left, she just stopped answering our questions and we had so many

"That was... Intense, I wonder how we'll keep this from family, they're family" he said putting his hand on his face and I can understand where he's coming from

"This will be difficult, our parents, our siblings, our friends... They deserve to know what we just found out" I said looking at my mate

"We will get through this together, like we've been doing for the past 11 years babe. You are not alone in this, they're my daughters after all and will soon be my little princesses. We can do this together" he took my hands and assured me, stared at me for a while before finally kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug

"I thought I was your princess" I said with a pout and he giggled

"Aren't you a little old for princess, my Queen" he said smiling sheepishly and he wasn't wrong, cause I was now 29 and he was 32.

"Awwwwwn, I love you baby" I said as I pulled out of the hug

"I love you too"

"I love you more"

"I love you forever"

"Always and forever?"

"Like I've always promised, Always and forever. C'mon, let's head back to our friends " I took his hands and we headed back.

"You guys okay, you scared us back there? Danny asked as everyone looked at us. I saw the look Stephan gave Luciano, like he was worried and Alley's wandering eyes were trying to find signs on my body. Fania glanced at me properly as if to ascertain my body language and I just said

"It's nothing we're both fine, I just had something to show him" and they seemed to relax a bit.

"Okay, if you say so" Derek said. "So Esme, how's your story writing coming along?"

"Ohh it's been good, I've published one and I'm working on another" he smiled and said that's great as we all continued our little discussions.



Enjoy, my lovelies😘

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