Chapter 18

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Luciano's POV

I dropped her close to her bedroom and said goodnight. "Luciano wait, can I spend the night with you? If you don't mind" that was unexpected, at least we can have time to ourselves. "Sure thing princess, c'mon. You'll have to shower first though, then I'll keep you warm and monitor your temperature" I said assuring her that she would be fine. She came out of the bathroom and asked me to close my eyes, I obliged not wanting to make her feel uneasy. She dressed up and asked me to open my eyes, "are you okay, princess?" I won't deny how worried I was, she was still on her period and she seemed rather ill.

"I'll be fine Jerry, I'm just a little cold. Come to think of it, I can't really shorten Luciano but I think calling you Jerry seems pretty cool, you like it?" She wasn't wrong, and I do like being called Jerry, Luciano just seems way too formal. And Jeremiah is just weird. "Sure princess, whatever you want. Come sit down with me" I needed to talk to her about a lot, I just hope she can take it all in. "I'm yet to formally introduce you to the pack as my mate and their Luna, then there's the mating ceremony. There's a lot to do, baby and little time. So I decided that introducing you to the pack would be on a Saturday, you okay with that?" I wanted to know if she was comfortable. "Yes Jerry, but you can't keep calling me yours if you haven't asked me out yet" cheeky, this girl is literally going to drive me crazy. "So I need to ask you out first? Okay, not a problem. Anything else?" If I was going to ask her out I needed to make it as special as I could, and since she loves chocolate I just realized what I'm going to do for her.

"The mating ceremony though, what if I'm not ready to mate yet? Just curious" she's not what? "Baby, I'm not forcing you. The mating process doesn't normally get completed after the mating ceremony, it's for the couple involved to decide that. So if you're not ready, no problem" there was no need to force her into this, I needed to take things easy with her. "Okay. Jerry? I'm really cold and I left my blanket in my room. Can I go get it?" I could feel the sudden fall in her temperature and I was getting scared all over again. "Hold on princess, I got a blanket in my drawer" I went over to my drawer, got the black blanket out and proceeded to the bed. She was already laying down and I laid down close to her. I cuddled her tightly and wrapped the blanket around both of us

"Is that better orchid? Do you feel okay now?" She simply just nodded as I began to pet her to sleep. I kept saying soft words to her until she eventually slept off.
I was woken up by a foul smell, it was really bad and it smelled like blood. I checked on my mate and realized she was stained and so was the bed, I was equally stained, as funny as it seems. I was worried about Esme. What exactly is up with her. "Baby, wake up. You are seriously stained, wake up, let me help you up" she struggled to wake up and when she eventually did a wave of embarrassment washed over her. "Luciano I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up" no way in hell am I letting her do that "no way, you just go to the bathroom and get yourself cleaned. I've got this under control. I just want you to clean up"

She left and I got rid of the sheets and took care of everything else. I decided to pick an outfit for her and leave it on the dresser. I went downstairs to make breakfast for her and I took out every chocolate I had in the fridge. I set her breakfast for her and I arranged the chocolates in a way that made me seem to ask 'will you be my princess?' she would be so surprised when she sees it and I can't wait to see her reaction. She was coming downstairs with Danny and they both sat for breakfast.

"Good morning big brother" my annoying sister greeted. "Good morning you porcupine" I cooed and she rolled her eyes. Esme seemed to be focused on the chocolates and I walked over to her seat. "What do you say princess? Yes or yes?" She looked like she'd explode. "Yes Jerry, yes" she said as she jumped on me. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her hair. "It's really beautiful. You're so sweet, but I have to go to school now" she said making me feel a little sad.

"Okay, at least you're mine now" I said as she kissed me and walked out the door.

Expect a little bit of smut later on. 😜😜. Please vote😘

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