Chapter 46

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Esme's POV

Luciano has been up and running since he realized I was expecting, not that I'm surprised though, it's all just kind of cute, really. My bump was a bit noticeable now, just a little bit, I guess. I've got to run classes for three months and I've already gotten into week two, day three. Practicing my writing skill has been quite challenging but at least I have my mate supporting me every single day. He's literally never away from me for more than five minutes, 'Perks of being an expecting dad' , I guess.

Currently I'm in the kitchen, sitting down watching him cook. Sometimes it gets annoying, "Babe you know I'm just pregnant right, not diseased? Why won't you let me cook?" I said throwing a grape at his head. " Orchid you're pregnant, you should be resting. You should also be lucky I let you stay in the kitchen, princess". This is what I mean by ' sometimes it gets annoying '. "Ohhh my God Luciano, at least let me help you" he stopped stirring the macaroni and cheese in the pan and looked at me.

"Okay fine, help me set the table, seeing as it's just the two of us" I happily got up from my chair and proceeded to set the tablecloths on the mini dinning and sat down on the chair and looked up to see my mate approaching with plates of hot food. "Time to finally eat Macaroni and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese with barbecue chicken and meatballs, as weird as it sounds" He set it down and it was looking yummmm!!! "How many types of cheese did you use, babe?". I mean I had to ask.

"Five, that's why I said Macaroni and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese and cheese. You've got English cheese, Italian cheese, Greek cheese, French cheese and Dutch cheese. Besides I'm only giving you what you craved" gesturing as he mentioned each cheese type, and I was giggling

"Dutch cheese? As in which Dutch country?" I mean I had to ask.

"Netherlands, babyyyyy!!"

"Gouda is from Netherlands?" He nodded

"You know, you could have just said Cheddar, Mozzarella, Feta, Camembert and Gouda, respectively" I had to at least understand what was going on, this whole episode was making me giggle, he didn't even bring the barbecue sauce.

"I wanted it to sound sexy and romantic, babe" he cooed and I tilted my head to make sure it was my mate I just saw pouting. 'He literally just pouted, am I seeing this right, Enola?' I asked my wolf. 'I'm pretty sure he just did, Esme'.

"Babe you forgot the barbecue sauce, and the chocolate syrup. I neeeedddd iiittttt!!!!" I whined. "But you didn't even ask for chocolate syrup" he figured me out, ohhh no.

"Just give me itttt!!!"

"Okay fine, whatever you want, orchid" I giggled and he basically rolled his eyes as he walked away to go get it. Shortly after he returned and I smacked his ass and snatched the bottles from him. I poured the barbecue sauce and chocolate syrup on my mac and five cheeses and the chicken got most of the combo. I dug in and it was delicious.

"You're going to add a lot of baby fat if you keep eating this way, princess" huh?

"What do you even know about baby fat? Better yet, how do you even know about it" he shouldn't blame me for asking.

"A lot and I basically watched mum carry Daniella in her womb and bir..." He was cut short at the sound of the doorbell and before I could stand up to get it he sped to the door and I just chuckled and sat back down. As he opened the door I gasped because it was his parents.

"Mum, Dad, ohhh you're here" I said as I stood up to hug them both. "Esme darling, good to see you" Mum Anne said, breaking the hug. "Dad, how are you both doing" I asked as he hugged me. "We've been good, dearest. How comes you never came to say hi."

"Actually Dad, we were planning to, to give you good news" they stared at each other for a while and back at us. "What good news?" They asked in unison, which was weird.

"Well mum, dad, I'm going to be a dad. Esme's pregnant". The shock and happiness on their faces were quite evident. Mum basically squealed. "Ohhh I'm so happy for you princess. We need to celebrate, Luciano, make something, and make sure there's wine" she said and dad nodded in agreement.

"Let me help you out" I offered attempting to stand up, but dad sat me back down. "Ohhh no young lady, you just eat whatever it is that is, is that chocolate?" I blushed. "Whatever, eat and chat with your mother-in-law, let her tell you her experience. Your mate and I will handle this."

"Just like the old days?" Mum and Lulu asked in unison

"Yeah, just like the old days" dad replied and smiled as he went to join Luciano. I sat with mum and we were chitchatting away our time. She told me stories from when she conceived of Luciano to when he was growing up to Danny's conception till she birthed her. Every single thing she said sounded magical to me and gave me hope. While mum was talking, I placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it slightly. I thought about my child, whom he/she would look like, what he/she would be like, how he/she would grow and the challenges he/she would face in this world.

Whichever one it is in there would be one out of three people I'll love more than my mate and I was ready to sacrifice whatever and whenever just to make my child happy, all my children will be loved equally and would grow with all the love every single family member can provide. That I'm sure of.

In no time, dad and Luciano, were done and the dinning was set for them to eat and my mate came to sit close to me. "Need anything, princess? You look rather lost in thought"

"Nope, I'm getting everything I need" I said as he smiled, picked up my right palm and kissed the back of my hand, and I smiled in response.


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