Author's note

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Hello my readers,

I just wanted to say I really appreciate you all for your support.

Thank you for adding Esme to your reading list and thanks for your votes.

I love and appreciate all of you so much.

I'd like to let you all know that I'm going to make Esme part of a series.

Yes, it'll be called The Blood Feud Series.

That's right, Esme will be book 1 of a series of five books.

Yeah, exactly.

Now, at the end of Esme I'll be dropping a bonus chapter. It wouldn't be from the book Esme, no.

It'll be from book 2 of the series.

I just wanted to give you all this special information. Thank you once again for your support, I love you all.


|You may like to also check my other story. Carrie's Darkside. It has a vampire genre with a mix of hybrids. And it's also a French based story(with other languages). Only some sentences are in these languages, not the entire book though, I'll also be dropping translations|

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