Chapter 15

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Luciano's POV

I kissed her passionately as I held her frame tightly close to mine. Her scent filled the room, intoxicating me completely making me lose myself. I lost myself in her eyes, in her scent, in everything about her. I kissed her as my hands slid down her curves and gripped her ass. I broke our kiss and moved to her neck, sniffing her neck before leaving little kisses on the side.  She tried really hard to hold a moan and I could smell her arousal i the air. It was intoxicating. Esme was my intoxication. I was still teasing her neck when I found a particular spot that made her shudder. I made a choice that I was going to mark her there.

She pulled away and stared at me unsure of what to say. I took her hands in mine and gently kissed them, "I should probably show you around the pack, you might want to change into something a little less casual" I said before placing a kiss on her forehead. I left my office and changed my clothes before proceeding to knock on Esme's door. "Who is it?" She asked from the other side of the door. "It's Luciano, are you done?" I asked not wanting to waste much time. "I'll be right out Luciano" just then she opened the door, she looked amazing and her hair was a total wow. "You look really nice" I complimented her making her blush, "thank you. Shall we?" I nodded in response. We left the house and I opened the car and held the door for her to enter and sit. "Thank you" she said, I got in and we drove off. We drove past the different places around the pack that held a lot of importance and I explained each and every one of them to her as she simply just nodded her head. I wanted to show her a particular place that meant a lot to me. We got to a specific area and parked the car quite close to the forest. I came out, opened the door for her and she got out.

"What are we doing here Luciano?" She asked looking confused. "I want to show you something, you'll love it, but first..." I took of my clothes, folded them and handed it to her as I stood completely unclad. "...I need you to hold on to these clothes for me while I shift, you'll be riding on my back to where I'm taking you" my bones started to break as I began to shift. Soon after, I was on all fours and I looked at Esme and realized she was looking quite upset about something. I motioned for her to get on my back, she did and I started running into the woods. I could feel that Esme was quite worried and somewhat scared, I wonder what was making her upset. We stopped in front of a cave and she got off my back, my bones broke again as I shifted. I was now in my human form and she gave me my clothes to wear. "Are you okay orchid? You seem stressed." I asked still sensing the tension around her.

"I'm okay, I just... You were the wolf watching me that day in the woods, weren't you?" I thought she was going to realize that later on, I guess she is smarter and more observant than I thought. "Yeah, I was. I was just running then I heard footsteps, I just didn't want anyone seeing me because it wasn't my pack and I didn't want to stir up trouble. But then I caught your scent and I was provoked to watch you that day... I'm sorry" as I explained to her, I couldn't help but feel really bad for my actions. "It's okay, it's just that I was kind of scared that's all. You wanted to show me something?" Ohh yeah, the surprise. "It's on the other side of the cave" we walked into the cave and reached the end. On the other side was a very beautiful waterfall, I was used to this place. I came here often when running was unable to calm my nerves. I had a short temper so I needed to catch my cool one or too many times. "It's beautiful, how do you even know something like this is here?" Esme exclaimed. "When I was a kid I came here often, even recently. I come here to keep cool, to let everything go. It's a very special place for me and I was hoping to mark you here and probably complete the mating process too" she looked dumbfounded

I inched closer to her and cupped her chin. I looked into her eyes and she stared at me, I was lost in her hazel eyes, I didn't know what to say or do. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, how much I wanted her but I couldn't, not right now. I placed a kiss on her lips and she kissed me back. We went on with this for a while until I heard her tummy rumble, which was weird and awfully loud. "Are you hungry, sugar?" She nodded and I sighed. "We should probably grab something to eat, c'mon let's go" I held her hand as we walked back into the cave and out the other side. I shifted and she hopped on my back as we ran out of the woods. I shifted back and we went into the car. I drove to my favourite eatery and got us something to eat. We were chatting all through our meal, right then I felt our bond grow stronger, she was warming up to me and I enjoyed every moment of it. I enjoyed the fact that she was my mate, my princess.

"Come on orchid, we need to go home" I said to her as we made our way out of the eatery and into the car as I drove us home.


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