Chapter 5

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Luciano's POV

I paced around my office unsure of what to do. Max felt uneasy. I could basically see him pacing around in my head too. I couldn't take it anymore. I changed to a pair of shorts and ran out of the house shirtless. I quickly took off my shorts and stood in my naked form. I began to shift. I landed on all fours and shook my fur before running into the woods. I ran faster than usual and out of my pack's border. I hadn't even realized that I was approaching another pack's border.

I kept walking across the Stony path, unsure of where I was going. Then I heard footsteps and I ran into the bush not wanting anyone to see me. I hid there and watched as a girl walked past. She was the most beautiful being I had ever seen. Her hazel eyes, her long curly, brown hair, her caramel skin which looked more beautiful on her than it did on me. She was utterly beautiful. Even her looks complement her figure quite well.

She stopped for a while and began to scan the area as if to look for someone. Finding no one she continued on the path, after walking a few metres again she stopped. This time, seriously scanning the area, she found no one still and was about to continue on the path when she began to look my direction. She spotted me and our eyes locked.

She stared at me unsure of what to do. She seemed to be thinking about something and she was about walking towards me when I heard a voice from up ahead. "Esme, c'mon girl, I've been waiting for you" a girl said. ' Esme, such a beautiful name ' I thought. Esme looked away and towards the girl, "coming" she said with such a sweet voice

She jogged up to her friend and and gave her a hi five. "What took you so long", the girl queried. "I was ummmm, di distracted. Sorry" Esme replied stuttering. "You're stuttering, is everything okay?" Her friend asked, I wondered what she would say, what were they doing here in the first place? "Yes, I'm fine Alley" Just then I saw my sister Daniella and My beta's sister Estefanía arrive. How do they even know each other.

"I'm surprised I got here before you guys" Esme started giving them both hi fives. "Don't get so cocky Esme" My sister cooed. "So, shall we? Estefanía asked and I wondered what they were up to. "Sure" they said in unison. They began to stroll to God knows where, I thought my sister said she was going for a run with her wolf, Nella; Maybe she was but why is Esme following her, she smells pretty much human to me though. "So Danny, tell us about your brother" The other girl said making my neck snap.

"Well... There isn't much to know though, he's just 20 and unmated. He'll be named alpha tomorrow though and he recently broke up with his girlfriend, Lara. She's such a pain, I honestly hate her. I really can't stand her. She's bossy and egotistic and so not the kind of girl I like to hang out with" my sister said making Esme stop walking. No wonder Danny locked herself in her room or left the house whenever Lara came over. ' Stupid girl '

"Did you just say he'll be titled Alpha tomorrow?, Meaning he has a black wolf?" Esme asked. What if she realizes I was the one stalking her? All because of my sister and her big mouth. "Yes and yes, any problem?" Ohh God, I'll kill Danny. "It's nothing, let's walk" the girls started another conversation and I noticed Esme seemed not to listen.

"Esme are you even listening to me" that other girl asked shaking Esme out of her thoughts. "Yeah, what were you saying?" She asked looking confused. "I asked if you've gotten your dress yet because I already got mine and it's red" the other girl repeated. "I'll be getting mine tomorrow" Esme said staring away. "What colour will you get?" My sister asked.

"I chose red" Esme replied. Who is this girl?

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