Chapter 4

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Esme's POV

Later that day I got back from school really tired. I desperately needed to shower, to let go of some steam. I took of my clothes and quickly got into the shower trying to relieve some of the tension, letting it all roll off my back. I got out of the shower and dressed up in my special shorts and sweatshirt. I picked up my phone and decided to text the girls. ' Hey, what are y'all doing this evening' I texted in the group chat.

' I was just about to take Nora out on a run, I haven't shifted in a while you know ' Alley texted back. I checked the time and it was 17:56, ' I was also about to let Melody loose for a bit, running does sound nice ' Fania replied, ' I was going to let Nella run too, I last shifted a month ago, so running is a great idea.' Danny replied almost immediately after Fania. ' Will I ever get my wolf?' I asked myself. ' Hey Esme, do you want to come stroll with us for a bit? It would help get your mind off Jack and whatever happened today' Alley texted; 'Sure, why not'

I quickly changed to a pair of black high waist jeans and a half top and wore my black fur-boots. I picked up my phone, went downstairs and found my mum in the kitchen. I got closer to her and kissed her on her cheek. "Mum I'm just going out for a stroll with the girls and I promise not to stay pass curfew" I said to her hoping she'd let me go. "Okay princess, just don't stay long" she said making me sigh in relief. "Yes momma, I love you"

I started my journey through the woods to find our usual meeting spot. I kept walking on the Stony path and I began to feel uncomfortable. I felt uneasy, I felt like I was being watched. I stopped to look around but found no one, I continued on the path hoping to get to my friends soon. Then I felt that uneasy feeling again. A lump had grown in my chest. It seemed someone was actually watching me, I scanned the area again and found no one. As I was about to continue on the path, I spotted a pair of eyes in the distance. I checked properly and realized it was a wolf, a black wolf was staring at me from the distance. If it was a black wolf it was possibly my brother but then this wolf had Hazel eyes. My brother's eyes are brown, it couldn't possibly be him.

I was trying to get closer to it... "Esme, c'mon girl, I've been waiting for you" Alley called my name from up ahead. "Coming", I jogged up to her and and gave her a hi five. "What took you so long", she queried looking me dead in the eyes. "I was ummmm, di distracted. Sorry" I replied stuttering. "You're stuttering, is everything okay?" I was not sure if what I saw was in my head or not, so I decided to keep it to myself. "Yes, I'm fine Alley" just then Danny and Fania arrived.

"I'm surprised I got here before you guys" I started giving them both hi fives. "Don't get so cocky Esme" Danny cooed. "So, shall we?" Fania asked if we were ready. "Sure" we said in unison. We began to stroll to their special shifting spot. It had a place where they could hide their clothes and all. "So Danny, tell us about your brother" Alley said trying to start a conversation

"Well... There isn't much to know though, he's just 20 and unmated. He'll be named alpha tomorrow though and he recently broke up with his girlfriend, Lara. She's such a pain, I honestly hate her. I really can't stand her. She's bossy and egotistic and so not the kind of girl I like to hang out with" I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Did you just say he'll be titled Alpha tomorrow?, Meaning he has a black wolf?" I asked. If he does have a black wolf it only means he was the one that was watching me. But why would he be watching me? Why is he even on my pack's territory?. "Yes and yes, any problem?" Ohh God. Maybe it's nothing, maybe he's just trying to look out for his sister. Lord knows I might have only been seeing things. "It's nothing, let's walk" the girls started another conversation and I got engrossed in my thoughts again

' I would be 18 in three days time, I might not find my mate immediately but I will afterwards. Then there's this wolf watching me. And Jack's threat. And the fact I haven't even shifted yet. And this goddamn project. This is too much to take in ' "Esme are you even listening to me" Alley asked shaking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, what were you saying?" I asked looking confused. "I asked if you've gotten your dress yet because I already got mine and it's red" she repeated. "I'll be getting mine tomorrow" I said staring away. "What colour will you get?" Danny asked.

"I chose red" I replied.

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