Chapter 20

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Esme's POV

I woke up feeling rather hot. It was half past 11 and I was uncomfortable. The heat was too much and I was basically suffocating. I could feel the beads of sweat embedded on my forehead and the stream of sweat trailing down my back. I needed a cold bath and I needed one fast. I got up from Luciano's bed and moved away trying not to wake him up. As I tried moving, a bit of the bedsheet shifted and Luciano bolted awake. "Baby are you okay? Why did you wake up" I did not want to worry him. It wasn't anything serious. "I just need a bath that's all" I said trying to get up. "Stay here, I'll go run you a bath" I kept feeling uncomfortable. I felt suffocated, like I was unable to breathe. Luciano came in and told me my bath was ready. I asked him to excuse me and I got in the tub. I started to wince as I felt fire burning in my veins. Luciano came in and sat close to me, I immersed myself deep into the water until my facial features were the only things seen above water. I was feeling weird. A worried frown found its way on Luciano's face and couldn't help but feel kind of scared.

"There's no need to be worried, it's probably just the start of a flu. Regular human issues. I'm fine" I said hopefully convincing him because I was scared myself. He tried to smile and said. "I'm calling the pack doctor" I couldn't argue because I didn't understand what was happening to me. The water was freezing cold instead my body was still heating up. I could have shivered due to the temperature of the water but I didn't. My body was still on fire. The water seemed to have no cooling effect on my heated body.

A whimper escaped my mouth as my head began to pound. My vision was now getting blurry as all I saw was fuzzy images of objects around me. Luciano was looking tense and I tried my best to calm myself down. I didn't want him worrying again we had too much on our plates. I was still naked in the tub with blurred vision and my mate was sitting beside me. The pounding in my head reduced and I seemed to be cooling off. Just as I was about to look at my mate my vision completely went blank and I seemed to be in a fit as the water around me started to move and I started to panic. Water was now splashing everywhere. Both on the tub and on Luciano. "Jerry" I called his name as I was unable to control the water movement.

"Yes Esme" he answered, the worry in his tone very noticeable. "I can't see anything. I can't see" I swung my hands around trying to find him. "Oh shit" he said just as I felt my unclad form being lifted from the tub. I figured Luciano was the one carrying me and I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to seek some sort of comfort. He put me down and told me to raise my arms as he slipped what seemed to be his shirt down my naked body. He told me to lift my legs as he put on my panties and a pair of his boxers for me before finally taking me into his arms. "Don't worry baby, we'll take you to the infirmary. I'll tell Danny to call your family to let them know where you are. You're gonna be okay princess, just stay with me" he said as I continued to whimper and wince at the amount of pain I felt. I noticed my eyes were slowly closing and I tried my best to pull myself together and keep myself awake.

"Jerry... I'm... I'm... Fai... Gonna... Fainnnt... I'm..." I said trying to push the words out of my mouth. "Don't do this, stay with me princess. Please... DANNY, DANNY GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW. SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH ESME" he yelled as I heard a door open. "Why are you shouting in the middle of the... Holy crab apples, what's wrong with Esme?" I heard Danny ask, the worry in her voice very noticeable as well. "I don't know, I only marked her and we both went to sleep, then she woke up feeling very hot. I ran her a bath then she started complaining about not seeing and I have to take her to the infirmary. Go get the car" he told Danny. Not long after I was being placed in a seat and I heard noises of a car zooming off. "You'll be okay princess" Luciano assured me. Soon after, the car noises came to a halt and I heard muffled voices. "She needs a sedative" an unknown voice said. Suddenly, a sharp needle pierced through my skin. I hissed at the pain and my hearing reduced. My vision cleared up and my hearing was now better,Luciano stood above me.

"Esme" he said before I finally blacked out.

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