Chapter 24

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Esme's POV

"It's Lara, she walked in here and plunged a knife into my tummy, but I healed up though, thankfully" I blurted out as Lara kept looking innocent making me want to claw at her throat. "It's true Alpha, we all saw what Happened" Fania said. "I would have given you a chance to explain yourself Lara but it's obvious that the odds and the witnesses are not in your favour. You also disobeyed your Luna by coming back here and that is unacceptable. Go home, pack all your belongings and meet my here by 7:00pm" he looks at me "baby are you sure you're okay? That knife seemed pretty sharp" he says holding my hands.

"I'm okay Jerry. How did it go?" Just as I finished my question Chris walked in with a boy, a rogue who looks about 17-ish. "Jefferson ran away, a few of his rogues were killed but I managed to capture this one" Luciano says referring to the boy Chris was holding. "What's your name and how old are you?" I asked looking him in the eyes. "My name is Richard and I'm 18"

"Don't you think you're too young to be a rogue?" I asked. Luciano didn't really want him in the living room, he ordered Chris to take him to the dungeon right when he was about to answer my question. I glared at my mate and he looked at me in a way trying to say 'calm down'. I heaved a calm sigh and decided to go back to my friends to continue our conversation. I looked over at my mate and realized how worried he was, he seemed to be thinking deeply about something. I excused myself from the girls and went over to him

"Jerry, is everything okay?" He bolted out of his thoughts and stared at me. I was standing right next to him and after much thought. He took my hands in his and pulled me close. "I'm preoccupied with too many pack responsibilities, then that deranged rogue leader who threatened to take you away from me is on the loose. I just want to get rid of everything" I pulled him into an embrace as he buried his face in my loose hair. He seemed to have calmed down and I could sense he was less tense. I pulled away

"Why don't we try to take care of each problem one by one. We could start with the rogue issue, after all we can't have anymore festivities with rogues on the loose. The key is to be discreet and orderly. What I do is to prioritize all my problems, arrange them according to their levels of importance, then solve them. Voila" he seemed to think deep about it before flashing a smile. "You're right orchid and I think I know just where to start from. Want to go interrogate that rogue with me?" I nodded and we went downstairs to the dungeons.

Richard was on the ground, staring at the wall. He was already hit with Wolfsbane which has silver added to it, so he was basically weak and couldn't reach anyone through a mind link or anything else. "I honestly wasn't expecting you guys till tomorrow morning" he said still looking at the wall. "We just want to ask you some questions. First off, why are you a rogue?" I asked going straight to the point.

"I didn't want to be a rogue, my brother Jefferson was supposed to be beta of our pack. He always had eyes for the alpha's mate, he was willing to take things out of hand for her. One day he did, he forced her to betray her mark, and tried to put his claim on her. The alpha got to know about it and banished him from the pack, turning him rogue. He wanted to form a new allegiance, a group of werewolves, rogues to be precise. He asked me to join him but I refused, I was supposed to be the next beta and I had recently found my mate and my sister graduated from school not long after his banishment. He decided to kidnap my mate and younger sister as well. He used them against me knowing how much they meant to me. I had to give in and I decided to commit a felony against the pack. I was kicked out, along with my mate and my sister, Kehlani. That is why I work for Jefferson. It's not something I want to do"

My mate and I exchanged glances at each other. "What is your mates name?" I asked, Luciano shooting me with a 'was that necessary?' look. I ignored him and diverted my gaze to Richard. "Giselle, he decided to keep her under his custody. He only lets her go for an hour or whenever she's in heat" he said making me feel bad for him and Giselle. "What exactly is your brother planning?"  I asked and my mate seemed to approve of my question. "Something big, he has a very stupid plan that he intends on executing soon enough" I was quite disturbed as to why he was answering my every question without hurling curses or swears or displaying any signs of anger. For a captured rogue he seemed pretty calm. "Why are you answering everything? Why are you doing this? Why are you being truthful?" I asked hoping he'd answer honestly

"Because I want to help you. My brother needs to be stopped once and for all and I want to help you stop him" he said as my mate glared at me.

I'm sorry about the delay, still on exams though.
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