Chapter 17

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Esme's POV

Danny and I were ready to go to school now and we were only waiting for Fania and Alley. Not long after they started walking towards us and I noticed a kind of mark on Alley's neck. "Hey bestie, what's that on your neck?" I couldn't keep my curiosity to myself. "I got marked last night, Esme. Don't worry it was consensual. Why haven't you been marked yet though?" They should understand that I wasn't ready yet. "Nothing, I'm just not ready. Fania you seem rather quiet" she looks frustrated. "Ohh it's nothing, since Alley became my sister-in-law she's been frustrating me non-stop. I love you alley, but I can't stand you" Fania blurted out. "Awwwwwn, you're welcome" Alley said as Fania was about tackling her. We had to pull her away. "Let's just go" Danny said as we all walked to School.

In school, Jack didn't stop bothering me about me finding my mate. I told him off and he kept saying I was his. I was pissed and I started to feel faint. I wasn't feeling okay and I was losing my balance. I called Danny and she helped me get home. I was quite close to the door now, suddenly I heard people having a conversation. I recognized one voice as Luciano's and the other two sounded different. I walked in and saw Luciano talking to two people who seemed to be his parents. He saw me and his eyes widened, "princess are you okay? You're back early and you look pale, Danny what's wrong with her?" OMG, he's over reacting. "I'm okay, I just feel really weak. Are these your parents?" He looked back and felt kinda embarrassed. "umm, yeah. Mum, Dad, meet Esme, my mate" his parents look so young-ish. "Yeah Esme, meet my beautiful parents. Jonas and Anne Calderon" Danny cooed earning a stank eye from Luciano. "Nice to meet you ma'am, nice to meet you sir" his mum pulled me into a hug "nice to meet you sweetheart, you can call me Anne or mum. Anything but ma'am, really" she looked over at Luciano. "Luciano Jeremiah Calderon, I can't believe you found your mate and didn't tell us. I'm rather disappointed in you" Jeremiah? "Mum c'mon, we talked about this. Just Jerry is fine. My middle name is weird." He said looking all flush. I could tell he was pretty embarrassed by the name.

"Anyways welcome to the family dear" his father said pulling me into a hug. "Danny please can you explain what happened to my mate?" Luciano asked out of the blue. "She's just a little under the weather" she explained accurately. There was no need for him to get all worked up. "See, I'm fine. Let's go sit down. I'm really sorry you had to meet me like this mom and dad, I wish things could have been different. How about I introduce myself"
We talked for a couple of hours and we kept laughing. Mrs. Anne told me a lot of memories from Luciano's childhood and I couldn't help but laugh. It was time for dinner and I offered to help Aurora in the kitchen, she agreed after much pleading. Couple of minutes after, dinner was served. Everyone was on the dining table and we all dug in. "Luciano told me you were quite the cook Esme, I guess he wasn't wrong" his mum said making me blush. "Thanks ma'am, I mean mom". Dinner was over and I met with his parents in the living room. "Mom, dad can I talk to you?" I asked trying to be as polite as I could. "Okay sweetheart, what about?"

"It's about me, I know you both know that I'm pretty much human, I hope you're okay with it and actually accept me the way I am and not just because I'm your son's mate. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just wondering if you want me around." I hope they accept me, it'll mean a lot to me. "Of course we accept you. You're a really sweet girl and we would love to get to know you better. No worries dear" Mrs. Anne said and Mr. Jonas nodded in response. "That's really good to hear, thank you. So are you guys leaving now?" I asked when I noticed them holding their stuff. "Yes we are dear. Take care of yourself" Mr. Jonas said as they both walked out.

"Well I'm off to bed, Esme we've decided on what to do as our project, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Goodnight" Danny said blowing me a kiss. "Goodnight girl. So Jeremiah, what do you think we should do now. I'm not sleepy yet" he stared at me like he was really pissed and I could only imagine why... I called him Jeremiah, so his anger was expected. "Baby don't do that. Don't call me that name I beg you" I love it when he calls me baby. Over the couple of days, I've grown to love being around Luciano, he was overprotective, sweet, and really sexy. I guess I could be considered lucky. When he calls me orchid my heart just flutters. I like how his touch always felt on my skin and I loved the feeling of his lips on mine. I realized I loved him being around me, I loved him calling me names like orchid and sugar, I loved it when he makes me feel special and I loved it when he makes me know I'm the only one he wants around him... But I don't understand the feeling I felt whenever I heard his name or his voice. Was I... Falling in love with Luciano?. "Luciano?" I said his name, what exactly do I want to ask him. "Yes, princess?"

"Can we go to bed? I'm feeling rather tired" he nodded, picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs.


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