Chapter 21

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Luciano's Pov

I paced around the ward as my mate laid unconscious on the hospital bed. Her friends were already here, so was her brother and his mate. Her parents were speaking to the doctor. My parents were trying to calm me down. I was devastated, they couldn't find anything wrong with her and I was totally losing my mind. I was going crazy just standing and not knowing what was wrong with her, not being able to help her, not being able to tell her everything would be fine or to ask her where she felt pain the most.

The anxiety was killing me and I hoped she would just wake up and look at me with those beautiful hazel eyes, she was my everything and if I lost her I'd kill myself. Stephan came close to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Look man, she'll be okay, it hurts me to see her like this too because I've grown fond of her. She's like my other little sister and I care about her a lot. I know she'll be fine, meanwhile you need to eat something. You look really pale man. Just eat something, I'm begging you"

"I can't eat anything man, I won't eat until my mate wakes up. Then we can have dinner together, and do the dishes together, and splash water on each other. No, I won't eat anything" after making things clear I faced my mate. I sat on her bed, and held her hand. "You'll be okay my love,I know it" I whispered to her before kissing her forehead and continuing with my soothing words. "You'll make it out of this princess. Then I'll tell you how much I love you. I love you Esme, please wake up" then the doctor walked in.

"What's it doc?" Alley asked, "yes, please say something" Fania pleaded. "Well we still couldn't find anything wrong with her but we need to run a couple more tests. She'll be fine, I assure you" he said before finally walking out of the ward. Her parents walked up to me and asked me to tell them exactly what happened. I did and they had the same confused faces my parents did when I told them. Everyone was devastated, her brother was uneasy and his mate kept trying to calm him down. suddenly I caught a whiff of Esme's scent.

Her usual orchid scent was now combining somehow with an earthy scent, somehow like soil. Somehow like that of a... Werewolf. "No it can't be. Does everyone else smell that. I can't be the only one. Is she..." My voice trailed of as Fania screamed. "Esme's werewolf is waking up". I think I know what was wrong with her now. When I marked her, my saliva must have mixed with her blood, awaking the dormant werewolf Gene inside of her. "Hold on, she's going to shift. I need to get her outside, now." I said before proceeding to carry her.

I removed the oxygen mask and disconnected the drips. I wrapped her naked body properly in the hospital sheets as I took her in my arms and ran out the door. "You'll be okay babygirl" I said trying to soothe her. I ran out the infirmary entrance and dropped my mate on the grass. We waited in an awkward silence. Just a few seconds after, Esme's loud screams broke the silence as I watched her left hand bend to an awkward angle. One by one her bones broke as she began to shift. It was difficult for me to watch.

I remembered my first shift, it was a painful process as all my bones had broken and rearranged themselves. It was obvious the pain was too much for her. If I could help her take the pains as she shifted I would. This was too much for me. I couldn't take it any longer as I ran to a nearby tree to take off my clothes and shift. I emerged from behind the tree in all fours, my black fur glistening in the moonlight. I ran towards my mate and paced around her trying my best to calm her down.

'You can do it princess, I know you can. Take your time'. I nudged her sides with my nozzle. After a few minutes Esme emerged a very beautiful wolf. With fawn coloured fur and hazel eyes. She stood up and walked by my side before she finally shifted back and dropped. She passed out and i shifted back. I put my clothes on and ran to carry my mate back inside the infirmary. I took her to her ward and dropped her on the bed. "Doctor Matthew, she just had her first shift. Is she going to be okay?" I was already really paranoid. "She is quite alright. Just let her rest, then you can take her home when she wakes up" he said.

"You're coming home sweetheart" I finally said to her before kissing her on her forehead.

Major plot twist, huh? She finally got her wolf. Feel free to comment and please vote.😘

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