Chapter 3

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School was over strangely quick actually, usually it's really slow for me. I walk over to my locker to grab my bag till I stop in my tracks when I see the mysterious and also 'dangerous' girl. I don't get why everyone is hating on her, she doesn't seem that bad, she seems nice ... well to me since I'm the only one who she ever talks to but maybe that's not true. I take a deep breathe and walk over to my locker.

Ross:(putting the combination in)

I couldn't help but look at her from the corner of my eye. She just seems very interesting and really different in some way. I hear her sigh loudly, almost like she's annoyed.

???: Do you mind?

Ross: S-Sorry

I look straight back to my locker. I guess I'm her problem right now, I should let her have some space. I hear her wedges click away and watch her walk out of those doors. *sigh* I really wanted to talk to her.

Chad & Chris: Hey Ross (walks over to Ross)

Ross: Oh hey guys

Chris: Were you talking to her again?

Ross: What's your deal with her anyways?

Chad: It's just--

Ross: Did you ever think that those 'facts' that you heard were just rumors or something? I mean, seriously guys

Chris: We just want to keep you safe man, I heard the last person who talked to her, he was never seen again

Ross:(rolls his eyes)

Okay, I am getting old from this crap that they're talking about.

Ross: Whatever, I gotta go home

Chad: We're not trying to piss you off man, we're just looking out for you

Ross: Well thanks but I'm gonna get to the bottom of this

I shut my locker slinging my bag over my shoulder and grab my board walking out and skating away home.

. . .

I walk in the house.

Ross: Mom! Dad! I'm home!

There was no one to call back.

Ross: Mom!? Dad?!

Just then, I spot a piece of paper on the table.

Ross:(walks over to it and grabs it reading it out loud) Ross, your father and I got an emergency at work so we won't be back till 6:00pm or 7:00pm. Great...... -_- If you're hungry there's some pizza pop and left overs in the fridge, love you! xoxo ~Mom

Well this sucks but at least they won't be out forever. I grab a glass of ice tea before going upstairs to my room. I set the glass on my night stand and grab my homework to start working on it. Yeah I know right? First day and I'm already getting homework, sucks.

. . .

I woke up by getting shaken up.

Stormie: Baby, wake up

Ross:(wakes up) Huh? Oh sorry mom (yawns and sits up rubbing his eyes)

Stormie:(Smiles) Well dinner is ready, come down

Ross: Okay, one sec

She kisses my forehead before walking out of my room.

Ross:(yawns and gets all of the homework off of him and gets up stretching)

Just as I was stretching I hear yelling. What's going on? It sounds really bad. I walk over to my window sill and open them seeing.... *gasps* mystery girl! .... with people? I thought she doesn't speak to others.... well other than me. Let's see what's up. I run downstairs and go outside with my parents calling for me but I didn't care, that yelling from that girl and those other guys sounded really bad.

guy: Just give them to us!

???: I don't have anything that you want!

guy #2: Just give us the drugs and you won't get hurt!

???: Please! That's the oldest trick in the book! You guys are high and obviously addicted and are gonna hurt me

guy: Oh really?!

???: I can tell by your expressions and your attitude! Just leave me alone!!

She's about to walk away from them till some guy pulls her back holding her and the other guy starts searching her pockets and bag.

???: Hey! Stop looking through my stuff!!

Okay, now's the time I should help her out.

Ross: Hey! (walks over to them) Leave her alone!

guy: Stay out of this boy!

Ross: Excuse me?

guy #2: Take a hike!

Okay, now they've crossed the line. I walk over to the guy who's snooping through the girl's stuff and pull him back making him fall on his butt. I kick the guy in the face and he's out cold just like that. I grab the mysterious girl's bag and sling it over my shoulders and look at the guy.

Ross: Let go of her now or else you're gonna end up like him (points to the unconscious guy)

He looks at me looking all tough but then looks at his partner and just gets scared and looks at me with fear in his eyes.

Ross:(takes a step) Boo!

He screams and lets go of the girl running away like a cowardly little girl. Ha! Loser! I see the girl on the floor and rush over to her and stick my hand out for her me to help her up. She looks at my hand.... I'm guessing, she still has her hood over her head.

Ross: Take my hand

She shakes her head and gets up by herself.

Ross: Are you alright? What did those losers want from you?

All she said was 'Just forget about it, alright?' she said in a harsh tone. Jeez, just trying to help. 'Ross!' I hear my parents call out. I turn around and see them running over to me.

Stormie: Sweetie! Are you alright?

She checks all over my body to see if I have any cuts or bruises.

Ross: Mom. Mom! Mom!! I'm fine

Stormie: Don't scare me like that!

Ross:(nods) I'm sorry, I just couldn't let someone be hurt

Mark:(looks at the girl) Are you alright ma'am?


I realize that I have her bag still over my shoulder and pass it to her. I could hear her mumble 'thanks' before walking off.

Stormie: Wait!

She stops in her tracks.

Stormie: Do you want to come in for dinner?

She turns around and shakes her head and walks off to a house that's a few houses down from mine. Wow, never knew she was in our neighborhood.

Mark: What's her name Ross?

Ross:(Shrugs) Dont' know, never learned it

Stormie: Well that's fairly odd. Anyways, let's get in and go eat

I nod my head and they start walking. I start to walk but always glance at the house that, that girl lived in. It's pretty big and cool in the inside. Hmm...

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