Chapter 5

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Chad: Okay so yeah Chris and Laura use to date

Ross: I already know that dummy

Chad: You said you wanted facts, you didn't say about fresh ones

Ross:(rolls his eyes) Just talk

Chad: Alright so Laura caught Chris showing off his muscles to some other girls so the broke up and it made Chris angry

Ross: So he--

Chad: No Ross, no

Ross: Oh

Chad: He was super angry that he just lost it and just got mad at Laura all the time but he also kept it subtle so you didn't really get to see his bad ass side

Ross: Okay

Chad: Chris then tried to choke a girl to take his anger out bc the girl looked a lot like Laura

Ross:(eyes widen) So he--

Chad:(nods) Yes Ross, Chris is the one who attempted to assault the girl and framed it on Laura. She ironically was there and tried to get him to stop but she failed and hit her head hard on the pavement making her unconscious. The police were there in time before Chris could do anything since Laura called them. The girl was unconscious and Chris just lied his butt off

I am so gonna kill Chris!

Chad: And once Laura woke up, she found herself in a cell for a couple weeks


Chad: Ross no! You can't tell him or anyone what I just told you!

Ross: And why not?!

Chad: You're just gonna make him angry and then he'll take it out on either you or Laura, do you want that to happen

I didn't even know this girl Laura but I did care for her, oh shit.

Ross:(Sighs) Fine I won't tell but I'm not gonna be nice to him as I was before

Chad:(nods) I understand, I was like that to Chris for a while when he told me

Ross:(Shakes his head looking down at his skateboard) How could Chris? She's been bullied enough, why--

Chad: Wait what? She got bullied?

Ross:(nods) These two guys were jumping at her trying to get drugs I think and then I saved her in time before they did something bad.... well more bad

Chad:(Smirks) Nice job blonde superman

Ross:(looks at him) You read Rick Riordan?

Chad:(Smiles) Yeah! Who wouldn't?!

Ross:(Smiles) I love his books

Chad: No way?


Chad:(Smiles) Ross, this is a start of a beautiful friendship

I laugh a bit and get back to work on my board while talking to Chad at the same time.

. . .

Chad left and I was in my room laying on my bed all spread out. I just can;t believe Chris would do something like that, he seems so nice and then once you know the real him, he's a big dick. I want to take my anger out on him but I don't want Laura to get hurt. Maybe I should talk to her and get this story straight or something, yeah that'll help ... well if she'll ever let me talk to her. I've been thinking about her all these 2 days and I don't even know what her appearance is. All I know is that she isn't a girly girl, more like tomboyish. And she had a petite body and is pretty short in my opinion but I'm 6 feet so yeah.

Stormie:(walks in) Lights out honey

Ross: Alright mom (Gets in the covers)

Stormie: I was gonna ask you this yesterday but, who was that girl that was being jumped by those guys?

Ross: She's just a girl from school who I have no idea who she is

Stormie: Oh. We should invite her for dinner

Ross: But she turned us down on the first invite, how do you know that she'll come this time?

Stormie: I just want to get to know the neighbors a little more sweetie

Ross:(sighs) Sorry mom, I'm just a bit off right now

Stormie: You want to talk about it?

Ross:(Shakes his head) It's nothing big

Stormie: Alright (kisses his forehead) Night and go to sleep

Ross: Have I ever lied to you?

Stormie:(gives him a look)

Ross: Never mind, don't answer that question

Stormie: Yup (walks out shutting the door)

*yawn* Man, I'm a little tired. Well better go to sleep, got school tomorrow.

. . .

I had to walk instead of riding my skateboard since I didn't finish fixing the wheel.

Stormie: Do you want your dad to drive you to school sweetie?

Ross: Nah it's fine, I'll just walk

Mark: You sure? It's pretty far

Ross: Not really, I'll be fine

I kiss my mom's cheek and do dad and I's hand shake before walking out and saying bye to them. I see Laura walk out of her house again, just as always, she has her hood up. Why? I check my surroundings so I won't be tackled down again. Once I see the area is clear, I walk over to her.

Ross: Hey

Laura: Hi

She was talking really quiet.

Ross: Do you mind if I walk with you?

Laura:(sighs and talks normal) Who put you up to this? Is this some kind of prank or something?

Ross: No I was just wondering if you wanted to walk to school together

Laura: Oh

Ross: I'm sorry that I offended you in any way but--

Laura: Just stop with the act alright? You don't have to take pity on me. I can take the cold hard truth so don't act like I can't

Ross: But--

Laura: Just drop it and I prefer to walk alone thank you very much

She begins walking to school leaving me to stand here alone and a bit shocked. I never knew she had a voice like that. Wow. I shake it off and walk to school speeding walking sometimes since I didn't want to be late.

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