Chapter 29

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Did I just hear him right or am I just hearing things.

Ross: W-What?

Chad: We... lost her track

Ross:(eyes widen shocked) WHAT?!

Chad: Ross, calm down

Ross: How did we lose her track?!

Chad: I don't know! We had it and then it started acting up and stopped

Ross: Try finding it then!

Chad: Alright, I'll try it

We took another look while I was sweating my clothes out. How can we lose Laura like that so fast? We were suppose to save her by today, but we didn't. We lost her track and now it'll take longer for us to find her now. Who knows, maybe Chris found out and now he's planning to move them somewhere else across the globe. Aw man.

Chad:(sighs) its not workings ross and I'm the leader of the tech club

I sigh and thrash my hands in the air with balled fist.

Ross: No no no!

Chad:(sighs) lets go home man

I didn't bother to answer and turn to my side looking out the window. I hear Chad sigh under his breathe as he starts driving us back to the hotel.

I can't believe we lost her again.

. . .

Stormie: What's been going on with you two and your mission so far?

We got back a little while ago. Chad was already asleep as I talked with my mom.

Ross:(runs his hand through his hair) We lost her track a little while back

Stormie: Oh no, I'm so sorry baby

Ross:(sighs) yeah I know. I was hoping that we'd get her and then go home tomorrow

Stormie: that's terrible honey

Ross:(sighs) don't I know it

Stormie: So how long do you think you'll stay there for now?

Ross: Honestly.... I have no idea now. I just want to get Laura back and just go home later

Stormie: You'll find her soon, i know you will

The comfort from my mom is sweet and very kind of her but I don't need this right now. I just want someone to help us get Laura's track back so we can save her from my hell-y former friend.

Ross: Thanks mom, I got to go, feeling tired

We exchange "goodbyes" and hang up. I get under the covers getting my phone charged on the side table. My arms were behind the back of my head resting as I stare up at the ceiling thinking of where Chris could have taken Laura now.
Fortunately, my eyes were drooping and I eventually fell asleep imagining me saving laura from Chris and kicking his ass.

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