Chapter 23

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Chad and I drove back home. Everything that girl said just sounded crazy.


Chad: Spill everything!

Ross: Where's Laura!?

girl: I don't know! Master wouldn't tell me!

Ross: Who's "master"?

girl: I don't know either. All I know is that he's a guy. He's only called me not talk to me face to face

Well this is just great....

Chad: Well tell us everything you know

girl: He's planning to take Laura. He wants her to be his slave brain washing her and taking her away to somewhere far away where no one will find him

Chad: Why Laura? Why not any other person?

girl:(looks at Ross) He says that he just wants to get in your mind. He wants to ruin your life

Ross:(shocked but keeps it cool) W-What?

Chad: Is there more news you have for us?

girl:(Thinks) I don't know but I can call you or something if I remember

Ross: That's a good idea. Chad, give her your number

Chad: What?! Why me? Why not you?

Ross:(glares at him) Chad!

Chad:(Sighs and looks at the girl with a fake smile on his face)

Chad and the girl started exchanging numbers as I walk around Laura's apartment. She's out there somewhere probably scared and hurt. I got to find her soon.

. . .

I was up in my room trying everything in my will to track Laura down. I couldn't. This guy is always ahead of us. He disconnected Laura's phone (I'm pretty sure he just broke it) and has left no clue what so ever. This guy is really good and I have a feeling he's done this many times. I was almost about to give up till I got an email. I open it up with a confused look on my face and read it.

"I see my little servant spilled everything to you. Well I knew she would do that so I already got everything planned for me and your little Laura to get going to our permanent home. Good luck trying to find us now although I doubt you'd find anything, I'm too good at this for you lozers"

Oh my god! I know one person who'd say 'lozers' like that. Chris.










Wait... does that mean..... Chris is the evil master mind!?

. . .

I was up all night trying to see if Chris made a tiny mistake, but I couldn't find anything. I went over to Chad's house right away. He was tired and cranky and in his pj's still but I didn't care. Once he hears this, he'll wake up for sure.

Ross:(Explains everything to him)

Chad:(Eyes widen) What?!

Ross:(nods) I know

Chad: How can I believe this though? I mean, Chris is like my brother

Ross: Here, I'll show you

I open up my laptop and show him the email. He looked at the screen beginning to read and his eyes go wide again and soon he looked like he was just betrayed or one of his family members died. I feel bad for showing him this after him and Chris being so close to each other but I had to tell him the truth.

Chad: I can't believe Chris, why would he do this?

Ross:(nods) It's just a thought though Chad, we don't know for sure. It could be someone else

Chad: It's highly someone else. Chris is the only person we know who does that and he knows who Laura is, I don't think a complete stranger would just do that to Laura and send you these kinds of messages

Ross:(Sighs) I guess you're right. Chris is behind all of this

Chad: I'm sorry man

Ross: I'm sorry too

Chad: Let's just wait and see what Chris has planned

Ross: But he said that he's leaving with Laura soon. After that, we won't be able to save her

Chad: Let's just wait and see what happens Ross, we're gonna get her back

Ross:(Sighs) Fine

Chad: Don't worry man, we'll find her soon

Ross:(nods) Okay

I just hope this waiting thing will be short and not forever. I can't live knowing Laura is endanger. I got to save her. I have to save my love.

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