Chapter 40

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We've only been home for about an hour and Chad is already going crazy.

Chad: I gotta break free! I can't stand being under these conditions! (puts his hands on his cheeks dramatically)

Ross:(chuckles) Just go do something

Chad: There's nothing to do!

Laura:(smiles) The Lynch's have a lot of things that you can do here. They have a little movie theatre and indoor pool

Ross: I have a big collection of video games man

Chad:(groans whining) Fine! I'll just go so you can have your little romantic bonding crap

Ross:(chuckles) You're just mad because you don't have a girlfriend

Chad:(pouts looking down) Yeah....

Laura:(looks at Ross) Can we go look for a girl for Chad?

Ross:(thinks) Possibly but I doubt it

Laura: Can we at least, try? If we get Chad a girlfriend then he'll stop being annoying and I can have a girl friend! (Smiles)

Ross:(smiles little and looks at Chad) You really want a girl?

Chad:(nods) More than anything. I want to be as happy as you guys are

Ross:(frowns) But what about her protection? We're all under a death sentence, do you want her to be under the same thing?

Chad:(frowns) No but....(sighs) Yeah I guess you're right. I..I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me (he sighs and sluggishly walks upstairs to his room)

Laura:(hits Ross in the chest) Ross! That was rude

Ross: I'm sorry but it's the truth. I want Chad to be happy, I honestly do but risking another person while under Chris's wrath is just too risky

Laura:(frowns) But Chad is so sad and really wants a relationship

Ross: I know he does (sighs) Fine, we'll go out and let Chad find a girl he likes

Laura:(smiles) You are so sweet (kisses his cheek)

Ross:(Smiles) So I've been told


It took a lot of convincing but we got the police to agree with us going out. Some of them are going with us but are wearing a disguise so no one will suspect anything. Chad, Laura and I just wore some shades and got our hoods up just incase.
We decided to go to the mall since we'll be needing to buy some things.

Chad:(jumping up and down excited) I'm am so excited! (hugs Ross) Thank you!

Ross:(chuckles hugging back) Yeah yeah lover boy. Now stop hugging me, you'll lose your cool guy rep

Chad:(quickly lets go and nods looking around)

Ross:(drapes his arm around Laura's shoulders) You look cute

Laura:(blushes) Shut up, you already have me there isn't a point to start flirting

Ross: I know but I like to see you blush, it just makes you 10x more cuter

Laura:(blushes deeper) Shut up

Ross:(chuckles and kisses her head) Alright beautiful

As Chad was girl searching, Laura and I decided to grab some things for us. Like books, movies, video games, any kinds of things that can keep us entertained.

Laura:(looks at Chad and sighs) It's been more than an hour and still nothing

Ross:(looks) It's not easy and quick. Just wait and see

Laura: Alright....

Ross:(peck kisses her lips) Love you (smiles)

Laura:(smiles wide) Love you too (peck kisses his lips again and starts looking through movies)


We had to go home after 3 hours of being out but luckily Chad found a really cool girl. Her name was Aria, she's cool, calm and very fun to hang out with. She wasn't really bothered with getting into our situation since she's already been in one like this but with her alcoholic father who is now spending serving time in jail. Laura and her seemed to be really hitting it off as we were driving back home.

Chad:(groans) Laura stop hogging her, she's suppose to be my girlfriend

Aria:(laughs) Don't be so jealous Chad (holds his hand)

Chad:(blushes looking down) Whatever

Ross:(chuckles wrapping his arm around Laura) Don't make Chad grumpy, he didn't take his nap yet

Chad:(glares at him) Shut up Ross

Ross:(smirks putting his hands up in surrender)

officer: Alright kids, we're home

I get out and help Laura out as Chad does the same with Aria. We walk in the house and put all the bags down in the living room. Chad and Aria start putting the games and movies away as Laura and I put the groceries away.

Laura: Aria so pretty and kind. So much fun to hang around with (smiles)

Ross: You're all those things too (kisses her cheek) and so much more

Laura:(grins little) Thank you

Ross: Come on, let's go unpack these things and we can go cuddle up in the basement and watch movies, yeah?

Laura:(Smiles) Okay!

We start unpacking all the groceries. Once we were done with that, we got some popcorn popping and got some movies ready for us. We got down to the basement (where the movie theatre and pool is) We got settled in a bubble chair together. We popped in 'Grown Ups'. She sat on my lap with the popcorn on her lap.

Ross:(wraps his arms around her) This is such a cliché thing

Laura:(Giggles) Yeah but I thought you're the king of cliché

Ross:(smiles) Touché

We got quiet and started watching the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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