Chapter 30

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Ross.... Ross... Ross...

I groan. What time is it? I slowly open my eyes to see a face. A face that I have been missing for so long.

Ross:(shocked) L-Laura?

She smiled at me at me with her big cheery smile that could lighten up an entire room, the world even.

Laura: Ross...

Her voice sounded majestic and misty. What the heck, it didn't matter, I had my Laura.

Ross: I miss you Laura, so much

Suddenly her face wasn't happy and gleeful anymore, soon there was a mysterious hot gust of air blowing making Laura's hair flow behind her. She wasn't smiling, more likely she had a big angry frown. Her expression on her face was angry but in her eyes, all you could see was hurt in them.

Laura: Lies!

So much for they majestic voice. More like someone waking Donkey Kong from his sleep.
Her voice was deep and heavy. Almost like Darth Vader's voice but cranked down all the way low but also sounding feminine.

Laura: If you really love and care for me that much you would have saved me by now

Ross: I do love you Laura

Laura: Where's my rescue team like your promised? Huh? Where are you when I need you most of all?

Ross: Laure I'm trying

Laura: I'm rotting away in the hands of Chris, I need my hero

Ross: I am your hero. I will save you

She shook her head and began to drift away, farther and farther away.

Ross: Laura!

I was running after her but fell onto my knees. I held my arm out reaching for her, but it was no use. She was drifting away so far that I could barely see her with the naked eye.

Laura: Save me Ross

Her voice became echoey and majestic again.

Ross: Laura!.. Don't leave....

I choke back a sob as Laura disappears from my sight.

. . .

Chad: Ross! (Shakes him) Wake up ya lazy ass!

I jolt up awake to see Chad hovering over me with an annoyed look on his face.
It was all a dream, no it was something more.

Ross: W-What's going on?

Chad: I've been trying to wake you up for the past 10 minutes!

Ross: S-Sorry

I couldn't help to stutter. I was still shocked and taking in that big vision.

Chad:Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost

It didn't feel like a right time to tell him so I shook it off and told him I was fine.

Chad: Okay.... Well get ready and we'll be leaving

Ross: Where are we going exactly?

Chad: Well I did some research--

Ross: Not surprised (chuckles)

Chad:(rolls his eyes) Whatever, anyway I figured out that Chris has an uncle who lives here, maybe he knows where Chris and Laura are

Ross: I doubt it but okay I guess

Chad: Great, now go get changed and ready

I nod and get out of bed heading to the washroom. Could Chris's uncle lead us to where Chris is? Could we rescue Laura from him today? Well we'll only know till we meet this uncle.

Just let me in [Discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora